Biola Broadcaster - 1963-08

.......... 1-mjiug parables and pearls (AS FEATURED OVER "TH E BIOLA HOUR")

LOVING OUR ENEMIES It was during the terrible Armenian atrocities that a young woman and her brother were pursued by Turkish soldiers. The brother was cornered and brutally slaughtered by one of them , however, it allowed time for the young woman to leap a fen ce and escape. Later she served as a nurse and was forced by the Turks to labor in a hos­ pital. As fate would have it, the very soldier who had killed her brother, was brought in to h er ward, seriously injured. T h e slightest, inattention would have meant his death. Should' she pass by and overlook a small de­ tail, no one would notice and she would be avenged. Instead, however, she did all in h er power to restore him to health. W hen he got better, the Turkish soldier thought h e rem em ­ bered the face of his nurse. One day it all horribly dawned upon him . H e asked her frankly, “W hy didn’t you let m e die?” She replied kindly, “Be­ cause l am a follower, of the Lord Jesus Christ. H e it was who said, “Love your enem ies and do good to them !” A fter long moments o f' silence, the injured man responded, “I never knew there could be such a religion. T ell me about it. That’s what I need.” W e cannot tell how at this turn or at that, God will lead and provide. As H is servants, let us be ready always “to give an answer to every man that asketh us, a reason of the hope that is in us with meek­ ness and fea r.” * * * If you're a stranger to prayer, then you're a stranger to power. * • * HELP WHEN WE NEED IT L ife is filled with problems. The Word of God assures the believer, how­ ever , that the Lord is our help or stay 12


Blessed is she whose daily tasks are a labor of love, for w illing hands and a happy heart translate beauty ' into j privilege and her labor becomes a serv­ ice to God and to those she loves. Blessed is she who opens the door to welcome both stranger and well-loved friend for gracious hospitality is a test of true Christianity arid spiritual stew­ ardship. Blessed is she who mends stockings and toys and broken hearts, for her understanding is a balm to those in need. Blessed is she who scours and scrubs. She knows that cleanliness is important, but that forgiveness of sins in the human heart can only be purified through the blood of Jesus Christ. Blessed is she whom children love for the love of a . child is more to be valued than fam e or fortune. Blessed is she who sirtgs at her work for music lightens the heaviest load and brightens the dullest chore. Bless­ ed is she who dusts away doubt and fea r; and sweeps out the cobwebs of confusion, for h er faith in Christ will triumph over all adversity, and her patience of hope w ill be rewarded by the Lord. Blessed is she who serves laughter and smiles with every meal, for h er buoyancy of spirit is an aid to mental and physical digestion. The B ible says, “A m erry heart doeth good like a m edicine. Blessed is she who preserves the sanctity of the Christian home fo r hers is_ a sacred trust that crowns h er with dignity, and results in her children arising and calling her blessed, and h er husband praising her also.

* * Don't try to be saved by being good, be saved to be good. *

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