Biola Broadcaster - 1963-08

When the going is tough, the tough keep going. . . . A person with true humility never has to be shown his place, he's al­ ready in it. . . . The smartest person is not the quickest to see through a thing, but the one who will see a thing through. • * * The headnever begins to swell until themindstops growing. . . . Most of our problems are created by wanting things we don't really need. * . • When a Christian simply rests, then he will certain rust! * * * Other religions arise out ofman's search for God, but Christianity is God's search for man. * * * If you are a true Christian, you go about God's business as if it were your own. * * * We may not be able to be apos­ tles, but we all certainly should be living epistles. * * * People who never go to church until the pallbearers take them, are out of place when they get there. * * * Debate Christ and the world will hate Him . . . live Him and they'll love Him! * * * If you want to be good to your­ self, for Christ's sake, be good to others. . . . When God puts a tear in your eye, it's only because He wants to put a rainbow in your heart. * * * Too manyof usdon't carewhat happens in the world, just so long as it doesn't happen to us. * * * An open mind will get youin less trouble than an open mouth.

A dog may be a man's best friend because he wags his tail instead of his tongue. * * * The most glorious victory over an enemy is to turn him into a friend. IF I BUT READ The Lord I love went on ahead To make a home for me. He said He would come back again, and He— Oh gracious love He wrote to me! He knew I was so weak and blind And foolish that I could not find The road alone. He told me things That all earth's wise men, and its kings Have never guessed, yet I foreknow If I but read His Word, and oh Such depths of love on every sheet! M y soul is trembling at His feet. What would He think of me If when I saw Him I should say, " I was too busy every day To read what Thou didst write to me; I really hadn't time for Thee." — Martha Snell Nicholson Be sure, when you ask for criti­ cism, you're not looking for praise. TOMORROW'S BURDEN He does not lead me year by year Nor even day by day. But step by step my path unfolds; M y Lord directs my way. Tomorrow's plans I do not know, I only know this minute; But He will say, "This is the way. By faith now walk ye in it." And I am glad that it is so. Today's enough to bear; And when tomorrow comes, His grace Shall far exceed its care. What need to worry then, or fret? The God who gave His Son Holds all my moments in His hand And gives them, one by one. When you flee temptation make sure you don't leave a forwarding address. . . . The truth never hurts anyone un­ less it ought to.


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