Biola Broadcaster - 1963-08

THE SLEEP OF DEATH Judgm ent that is swift is sometimes the most effective. History records that K ing Richard III went out one night to ch eck on his troops. Coming upon a guard who was fast asleep at his post, the monarch stabbed the sentinel in the heart. H e left this note upon him 'as a rem inder to all, “I found this man asleep, and I left him so.” The justice of man is often without hesitation or consideration when con­ trasted to the patient m ercy, grace and love our wonderful Saviour exhibits. H e is slow to anger. In a com ing day, however, man w ill be judged and his work shall be made manifest. We are to stand as sentinels warning men of the danger to come. So often as the church sleeps the enemy comes in. Scripture exhorts us. “T h e night is far spent, the day. is at hand: let us there­ fore cast off _ the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day: not in rioting and drunkenness, not in cham bering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put y e on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provi­ sion for the flesh, to fu lfill the lusts th ereo f’ (Romans 1 3 :1 2 to 1 4 ). ft * * Before you can plant a field of faith, you must clear away the weeds of worry. * * * A GREAT SAINT GOES HOME Dr. T . J. Bach, director em eritus of The Evangelical A lliance Mission, was our seat partner on a recent trip to the midwest, just before the Lord, called him home. W hen the stewardess came by to check his ticket. She said, “Thank you, D r. Bach.” But shaking his head and flashing a broad sm ile, he replied, “Oh, no, young lady, Dr. Bach is dead, I’m just brother Bach!” To know him was to see the way souls a re won to 20

Christ. Just before landing in Chicago, the stewardess came by to give him a personal word of thanks for the tract he had handed her, as w ell as for his kind testimony. H e took hold of her arm and said, “Young lady, I have a feeling it won’t be long before I’ll be in heaven. Shall I tell them y o iill be com ing along?” It deeply touched her heart. What a forceful way of present­ ing the truth of eternity. Being over 80, he was asked how it felt being an octogenarian. Again with that lovable sm ile he responded, “I fs no sin in grow ing old, ifs just a little incon­ venient.” The motto that kept his life true to the faith was, “I always have three mission fields around m e: a lost soul to win, a backslider to restore, and a fellow Christian to e n c o u ra g eO n e of God’s choicest servants, now home in glory, D r T . J. Bach. * » * No man ever got lost by keeping on th e straight and narrow road. RESPONSIBILITY IN STEWARDSHIP Last year, according to surveys, Americans spent 183,000,000 dollars for H ershey chocolate bars, 1,750,000,000 for soft drinks (not counting liquor and tobacco). Bankruptcy in the Unit­ ed States has increased four hundred p er cent in the last .decade, mostly on a personal level. The point is that there seems to be money to buy what is wanted, but not to provide that which is really needed. T h e child of God is put in trust with the Gospel, as well as the money he earns or re­ ceives. One day he must give an ac­ count of his stewardship before the Lord. A squandered dollar, a wasted hour, a careless word; all is under the scrutiny of A lm ighty God. What are you doing fo r the cause of Christ in training the missionaries of tomorrow?

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