Biola Broadcaster - 1963-08

competition for popularity, to be ac­ cepted by others, has caused truth, purity and moral standards to be for­ gotten. What can we parents teach our young people? As for me, I shall remind my daughter that there is such a thing as right and wrong. I shall talk about sin. For some, sin may al­ ways have been an ugly word. It seems that in the last half century it’s been made not only ugly but also passé. People are no longer sinful they are immature, underprivileged, or simply sick, according to the psychologists. (continued on next page)

JL righteousness exalteth a nation but that sin is a reproach to any peo­ ple. As Christian parents, we are charged by God to bring up children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Because of human failure, juve­ nile delinquency has exploded across our land. A concerned mother recently wrote to G o o d Housekeeping magazine: “Surely no one will be naive enough to think that little biological chats about conception and bodily structure are sufficient to stem the tide of filth and immoral concepts with which our 21

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