Biola Broadcaster - 1963-08

national divorce rate is bound to in­ crease. As an example, the study of 60 teenage brides in Iowa showed 55 per cent regretted their'decision for marry­ ing before completing high school. Fifty-nine per cent had been pregnant before marriage. A sociologist writes in a national women’s magazine, “Marriage is not for Children. Let me illustrate. It was a beautiful wedding. True, the bride was only 16 and the groom just 19, but they looked grown up as they stood there. She was so radi­ ant and he so tall and protecting. No one could foretell that less than a year later the fine young man would say to this lovely girl, ‘I wish you were dead. Then I’d be free.’ Or who would have thought that later the same day she would have slashed her wrists.” A Christian home is made up of one thing; Jesus Christ as the center of every life. Without Him, whether those who live therein are church goers or not, only tragedy will result. How can juvenile delinquency be cured? It, afterall, is merely a symptom. The real disease is sin in the human heart. Covering the growing teenage riots, which would turn the average individ­ ual’s stomach, McCall’s magazine stat­ ed, “Not long ago in Ocean City, New Jersey, a seeming chaste and loyal community had a large group of vaca­ tioning students take over a summer hotel. According to a sworn testimony in a later court proceeding, the young­ sters, both boys and girls, paraded nak­ ed on the hotel roof, threw beer cans and other objects at an adjoining build­ ing, and engaged in sexual activities on the fire escape and other exterior parts of the building before the as­ tounded and shocked eyes of the local inhabitants. This may sound like an extreme case but unfortunately it is not. Groups of students, coming from hundreds of miles, converge on resort towns and engage in pranks and orgies that are both nauseating and revolt- ing.” (continued on next page)

because the husband has left the home. I speak of the woman whose husband makes an adequate salary but who wants the luxuries which could well be done without. See that your chil­ dren go to church. And take time out of your own busy life to go with them.” The responsibility of proper guid­ ance rests with the parents. But how can an adult bring up a child in the Lord’s way unless he is going that way himself? Ewald Turner, head of the National Educators Association, made up to some 750,000 teachers across the nation, told an Atlantic City conven­ tion, “It concerns me that parents push their children into adult activities too soon. Dating by grade school pupils is allowed at an extremely early age.” DO YOU CARE?

What tf your own were starving, Fainting with famine and pain, And you should know, Where golden grow. Rich fruits and ripened grain; Would you hear the wail As a thrice told tale And turn to your feast again? What if your own were thirsting, And never a drop could gain, And you could tell Where a sparkling well Poured forth melodious rain, Would you turn aside While they gasped and died. And leave them to their pain? What if your own were darkened. Without one cheering ray. And you alone Could show where shone The pure, sweet light of day; Would you leave them there, In their dark despair. And sing on your sunlit way?

One of the signs of the return of our Lord Jesus Christ is marrying and giv­ ing in marriage; it is simply and sin­ fully a plurality of marriage partners. Statistics sadly reveal that as more teenagers marry at earlier ages, the

” 59 °/°

were pregnant

before marriage”


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