Biola Broadcaster - 1963-08

by the power of the Holy Spirit. This was blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. In this sense this cannot be committed today. For the one who has sinned and yet who knows the Lord Jesus Chnst as Saviour, is reminded, “If we con­ fess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (I John 1:9 ). Don’t let Satan rob you of your joy and peace. Tell the Lord you do love His Word and Satan will flee when Christ is given the pre-eminence in your life. Q. Ventura, California — “Dorit you be­ lieve that the Gospel has about covered the earth, especially with transporta­ tion and communication as there are toaay?” A. in a sense the Gospel has covered the earth, but it is more like a clothes­ line covers the back yard. There are many and numerous spots where it does not cover. That is true with the Gospel in the world today. Here at Biola we are doing all that is possible to thrust out young people so that they will be able to reach the uttermost parts of the. earth and those who have not yet heard the Good News. Radio is moving the Gospel into more isolated parts, and yet there are millions who have never heard. Q . Long Beach, California — “How would you witness to a person who says one must obtain God’s m ercy by confessing and forsaking all his sins in order to be saved?” A. Quote die Scriptures, especially from John’s Gospel. The way to obtain God’s mercy is not by confessing and forsaking, but by believing. The for­ saking of sins will naturally follow when that positive transaction takes place. The Philippian jailer asked the apostle Paul, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” He wasn’t told anything but, “BELIEVE.” (See Acta 8:16 ; Acts 16:30, 31; John 3:16 ; John 5:24.) Q . Fresno, California — “Being the moth- (continued on next page) 27

ize that our prayer is to be, “Not my will but Thine be done.” It is the spirit with which one enters into a promise with the Lord. Here at Biola we depend upon godly promises of Christian people. You need not be afraid to promise your will or your estate to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. God will use it in the salvation of souls to the ends of the earth. H Corinthians 8:10 tells us, in the words of Paul, “Herein I give my advice: for this is expedient for you who have begun before, not only to do, but also to be forward a year ago.” The apostle knew what was in their hearts. They had willed to make an offering for the poor saints in Jeru­ salem, and they had promised by faith to do so. Q. Eugene, Oregon — “Because of my past, I have said some things against the B ible I should not have said. Per­ haps I have committed the unpardon­ able sin. Can you give me some help?” A. The unpardonable sin was blasphe­ my, which is by definition a sin of the mouth. But this is not just any kind of speech, it is a sin against the Holy Spirit. Some of the people who saw the Lord Jesus doing miracles attrib­ uted His success to the prince of the demons, Satan, when actually it was


M r. Arthur Menzemer, member of the Biola staff, has been appointed business manager for the Arizona Bible Institute. H e begins his work August 15.

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