Raphael Mazzucco | Motherland | 2024


Raphael Mazzucco’s artworks have long been reflective of the raw and wild beauty of his home country but never more so than with his latest collection, Motherland . In it, Mazzucco embarks on a deeply personal journey that traces his roots back to the rugged landscapes of Canada. Inspired by the untamed wilderness of his native land, Mazzucco's latest artworks offer a glimpse into the soul of a country rich in natural splendour and untold stories. Motherland encapsulates the remote and diverse beauty of northern Canada where vast expanses of wilderness create a rugged and awe-inspiring landscape that is both challenging and captivating.

Living in Vancouver, Canada until age sixteen, his early career saw Mazzucco drawn to climates more alien to him, shooting across the various continents of Africa, The Amazon, Iceland and New Mexico. Having documented in his various ‘living landscapes’ the incredible countries he’s visited throughout his career in editorial photography, he was inspired to undertake his most personal shoot to date and finally create this stunning homage to his home country. Characterised by a vast and varying landscape, this body of work seeks to encompass the range of geographical features Canada

has to offer. From the serenity of expansive pristine rivers and lakes to the dense stands of coniferous trees, and steep climbs of the northernmost mountain ranges Mazzucco’s new collection boasts the scenic beauty of one the world’s most diverse territories. "It is so important to return to where you came from. I’ve spent my whole life travelling and with this trip and my new collection, I feel like I’ve finally found my way home." – RAPHAEL MAZZUCCO

His new Motherland artworks are visually captivating and emotionally evocative pieces that beg further inspection. Interspersed throughout the collection are handwritten notes featuring the prose and poetry of Margaret Atwood, renowned Canadian novelist and poet. Atwood’s prose famously draws inspiration from the Canadian landscape, vividly describing the vast wilderness and rugged coastlines, capturing the essence of the country's natural beauty in her works. Her words encased throughout the layers of Mazzucco’s originals embellish an intimate and arresting tribute to the raw and wild terrain of his homeland.

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