The Evolution of ESG ESG criteria are an increasingly
popular way for investors to evaluate companies in which they might want to invest. ESG criteria can help investors avoid companies that might pose a greater financial risk due to their environmental or other practices. 96% of the world’s largest 250 companies report on their sustainability performance and 80% of N100 companies worldwide report on sustainability. The reality in which organizations operate is defined by megatrends like increased connectivity and mobility, climate change, the depletion of natural resources, rapid urbanization, etc. Stakeholders, including consumers, investors, employees and society in general, demand companies go beyond mere compliance with legal requirements and instead have a positive impact that reflects a true commitment to sustainability leadership. This requires an active contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to embark on a journey towards value creation across the whole business model.
2006 UN PRI is established with 63 signatories and 6.3t AUM
2011 SASB forms with a mission to establish standards for ESG reporting
2009 Global Impact Investing Network is launched
2017 Climate action 100+ TCFD
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