صراع القوى الكبرى في الهندوباسيفيك

- Tarique Niazi, “The ecology of strategic interests: China’s quest for energy security from The Indian Ocean to the South China sea to The Caspian sea basin”,The China and Eurasia forum quarterly, Volume 4, N° 4, (November 2006).

- Vignesh Ram, The Proposal for an Indo-Pacific Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation: A Critical Reassessment, Journal of ASEAN Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2015).

- V.S. Sheth, Indian ocean in the globalizing world " , Alternatives, Volume 1, N° 4, (Winter 2002).

- Xi Guigui, The Future of the Indo-Pacific, China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies Vol. 7, No. 2, (World Century Publishing Corporation and Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, 2021).

- Xuegang Zhang, “Southeast Asia and Energy: Gateway to Stability”, China Security , Vol 3, No 2, (spring 2007).

- Yogendra Kumar, Indo-Pacific as an evolving geopolitical construct and maritime safety and security in IOR, Journal of Indian Ocean Rim Studies, Vol 2, N° 2, (October-December 2019).

- Yu Zhong, " The Importance of the Malacca Dilemma in the Belt and Road Initiative " , Journal of Policy Science, vol. 10, (2016).

- Zainab Ahmed, Great Power Rivalry in Indo Pacific: Implications for Pakistan, Strategic Studies, N° 4 (2021).

- Zhang Xuegang, “Southeast Asia and Energy: Gateway to Stability”, China Security, Vol 3, No 2 (spring 2007).

Thesis: - Stephen J. Ruscheinski, China’s energy security and The South China Sea, A thesis presented to the faculty of the U.S army command and general staff college in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree “Master of military art and science: gene ral studies”, University of Illinois at Urbana -Champaign, (Illinois, 2002). - Troy T. Lee-Brown, The rise and strategic significance of the Indo- Pacific, Thesis submitted for the degree of doctor of philosophy of the University of Western Australia, Political sciences and international relations school of social sciences, January 2021. Conferences Papers: - Cdr. P K Ghosh, " Maritime security challenges in South Asia and the Indian ocean: response strategies " , A paper prepared for the center of strategic and international studies- American – Pacific sea lanes security institute conference on: Maritime security in Asia. January 18-20, 2004. Honolulu, Hawaii.


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