
Russell : Ladies’ Night tickets still available  gŏđŏ

the theme is Make A Wish – Give A Gift. Funds raised in the auctions, which feature spectacular donated items, all go towards the Make A Wish Foundation of Eastern Ontario which grants wishes to children suffering from life-threatening ill- nesses. The organizers are maximizing their reach by also offering atten- dees the opportunity to register as organ donors and give the gift of life. Attendees wishing to sign up that evening should bring their health cards. Tickets are available by calling Judy 613 445-4161.


RUSSELL l Ladies’ Night organizers have announced that the first winner of the early-bird ticket draw on April 8 was Laura Rondhuis from Russell, and there are still tickets available for their 10 th anniversary gala that is less than two weeks away. Rondhuis and her table of 19 guests will enjoy the services of two personal attend- ants throughout the evening. The second early bird draw was held April 24, but the winner not yet announced. This year’s event is a dress-up affair and

Members of the RCMP helped out Ladies’ Night in 2005, and left auctioneer Erin James strangely speechless. This year’s event, a tenth anniversary gala, will be held Friday, May 3 and features a great buffet dinner, live and silent auctions, and dancing to Ambush.

C’est le 13 avril dernier qu’ont eu lieu, à Orléans, les demi-finales régionales d’un concours du Club Optimiste. Lucas Scott, de l’École élémentaire catholique Saint-Joseph de Russell, a remporté la médaille d’or en mathématiques chez les élèves de 6e année et s’est qualifié pour la grande finale. Il représentera la zone 2, c’est-à-dire les huit clubs de la région, au concours du District Est Ontario, qui se tiendra le 4 mai au Centre Jules-Léger àOttawa. Soulignons également que Camille Leblanc, également de l’école St-Joseph, a remporté la médaille d’argent chez les filles au concours Art de s’exprimer. Un élève de Russell à la finale de mathématiques

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