AAM Summer 2024 Edition




This year marks 45 years since artists founded the Aspen Art Museum and ten years since we moved into our home on the corner of Hyman and Spring, designed by Shigeru Ban. Such happy anniversary moments mark time, giving opportunity to re‹ect on how many hands, hearts and minds went into making this institution what it is today. Led fearlessly by the Board of Trustees and National Council, helmed by Co-Presidents Melony Lewis and Amnon Rodan, we have been able to forge new paths for the museum. Their enduring commitment to architects and artists takes physical form in our awe-inspiring building where art lives and breathes. To come to work here each day is a gift. All of this originates from the brain of architect Shigeru Ban, one of three recipients of this year’s Aspen Award for Art. With deep generosity, resourceful- ness and sensitivity to people and place, he has made an indispensable gathering spot for the Roaring Fork Valley community, distinguished by its porousness, ‹exibility and devotion to art. Our anniversary exhibition, “In the House of the Trembling Eye,” is a re- minder of how beautifully this building showcases painting . Staged by Allison Katz and reaching every corner of the museum’s galleries across all three ‹oors, the show brings together more than 100 works of art, incorporating pieces from personal collections in and around Aspen, bridging epochs and styles—from fragments of Pompeian wall paintings, to exemplary art from the 20th and 21st centuries, and paintings by Katz herself. It is a poignant re‹ection on a medium’s ceaseless capacity for regeneration within the frame. Ban’s building, in Katz’s world, becomes another frame for painting. In celebration of the medium, we are also proud to honor artist Jacqueline Humphries with the Aspen Award for Art. Her pioneering work in abstract painting has reshaped the ways in which we contemplate cultural histories and modern communication techniques. The weightlessness of music counters these material explorations in paint within the museum’s artistic program. We are so excited to present three per- formances during Aspen ArtWeek that each take root in sonic explorations, starting with Aspen Award for Art recipient Jason Moran, who will perform a piano and vocal duet on the museum’s rooftop with his partner and longtime collaborator, Alicia Hall Moran. The following evening, on top of Aspen Mountain, Moran, a restless innova- tor who has transformed contemporary jazz, will feature as a guest in a collec- tive performance of new music by artist Ryan Trecartin, titled Audience Plant 2024 , which also features Lizzie Fitch, Ashland Mines and the students of the Aspen Music School. Trecartin transforms music made with digital software into live orchestrations, weaving unexpected sonic textures into an acoustic tapestry that pushes composition in new and surprising directions. Finally, on the morning of ArtCrush, we welcome visitors back to the museum roof terrace for a sound bath by Himali Singh Soin and David Soin Tappeser. The performance merges poetry and gong percussion and promises to transport the audience into new realms. This anniversary year, our ArtCrush auction, which has been curated by Abigail Ross Goodman and Molly Epstein, is exceptional. With their sharp eyes, the duo has brought together a winning combination of bright emerging and established artists in what remains the premier benet auction for an American institution. We are enormously proud to share proceeds of the sales with our donating artists, which is a practice that will remain a cornerstone of ArtCrush for years to come. Our new partner, Christie’s, has been essential to the realiza- tion of such a remarkable auction. I am deeply grateful for the support of the gala’s Co-Chairs, this year represented by four brilliant couples: Sarah Arison and Thomas Wilhelm, Eleanore and Domenico De Sole, Jack Carter and Charlie Pohlad, and Jen Rubio and Stewart Buttereld. Aspen is deeply fortunate to receive such unparalleled enthusiasm from our community and our partners, which enables us to fulll our unique mission. It is essential that we work alongside artists as they venture into the unknown. To do this, we must continue to build trust and establish deep relationships that transcend the parameters of production timelines or rehearsal schedules. It is here, in Aspen, that we can provide a truly special environment in which relation- ships can flourish in the deliberate tempo of mountain time. In our work with artists at the museum, we revel in the incubation period of ideas, thinking together about the impossible. This is a special community and we celebrate not only our past but our shared futures.

About the Aspen Art Museum:

ArtCrush 2024 Gala Co-Chairs Sarah Arison and Thomas Wilhelm Jen Rubio and Stewart Buttereld Charlie Pohlad and Jack Carter Eleanore and Domenico De Sole

Nicola Lees Nancy and Bob Magoon Director Aspen Art Museum

ArtCrush Magazine

Produced by Frieze Studios for the Aspen Art Museum

Francesca Girelli Caroline Marciniak Arianna Trabuio Sherie Sitauze Kristina McLean Erik Hesselman

Director of Branded Content & Studios Content Operations Manager

Matthew McLean Sara Harrison Chris Waywell Lauren Barrett Christopher Lacy

Editor Project Editor Senior Editor Art Director Designer

The AAM is grateful for the support of Bottega Veneta. Additional support provided by:

Creative Producer Assistant Producer Special thanks to

Christie’s, J.P. Morgan Private Bank, LALO Tequila, Lugano Diamonds and Steven Shane of Compass Real Estate.

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