Nanoporous carbon from waste sources as support for polyoxometalates-ionic liquid hybrid materials for waste water treatment
Thompson Izuagie 1 , Archismita Misra 2 and Carsten Streb 2 1 Sokoto State University, Nigeria, 2 Ulm University, Germany
In a bid to tackling the global goal of providing clean water for all, this report presents the application of nanoporous carbon from waste sources such as egg and coconut shells as support for making hybrid polyoxometalate-ionic liquid materials for waste water treatment. The hybrid materials were characterized by FT-IR, SEM, XRD and BET. The materials were then investigated as filters for simulated waste water treatment by studying their efficiency in the removal of heavy metals (Pb 2+ , Ni 2+ , Cu 2+ , Co 2+ , Cr 3+ and MnO 4 - ) using ICP- OES, Dye-patent-Blue using UV-Vis spectroscopy and microbial contaminants. In line with previous study 1 , the materials showed high efficiency in the treatment of the contaminated water. References 1. Thompson Izuagie, Muhammad Sirajo, & Manir G. Abubakar (2022). Immobilization of Polyoxometalate-Ionic Liquid on Coconut Shell Nanoporous Carbon Support: An improved material for water purification. CaJoST , 4 (2), 213–220. DOI: 10.4314/cajost.v4i2.11
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