King's Business - 1918-06

The Atonement ©®fi8s Doctrine ©2 tb e AS©a®m@mt v s. U n itarian amfi CBarlstfiaia Sc ien ce ©octE'Ines ©2 the Atonement.

By E$r. E. A. Torrey Dean ©f Siitol© Institaate ©2 la©s A ngele s

“Apart from the shedding of blood there is no remission”

—Hebrews 9:22

UR subject tHis morning is “God’s Doctrine of the Atone­ ment vs. the Unitarian and Christian Science Doctrines of the Atonement.” One of the most fundamental, central

sooner or later get right on every other ques­ tion;hut if he holds a wrong view regarding the atonement made by our Lord and Sav­ iour Jesus Christ, he is pretty sure to go wrong on everything else sooner or later. There is a great need in this day of teaching on this subject that is definite, clear, accu- rate, exact, complete, because not only in Unitarian and Christian Science circles, but also in circles that are nominally orthodox, in professedly Christian colleges, semina­ ries, pulpits, Sunday School classes, and re­ ligious papers, magazines, pamphlets, books, there is much teaching today that is vague, inaccurate, misleading, unscriptural, and oftentimes utterly false and devilish, teach­ ing that is essentially Unitarian or Eddy- istic. Men and women use the old words with a new meaning; so as to deceive, if it were possible, the very elect. Even- the Christian Scientist will tell you he believes in the Atonement and that Mrs. Eddy taught the Atonement, but when you begin to. ask direct and pointed questions regard­ ing his belief and teaching you will find that by atonement he means, and that Mrs. Eddy meant, something utterly different from what you mean and what the Bible

and vital doctrines of the Christian faith is the Christian doctrine of the Atonement. Without the Bible Doctrine of the Atone­ ment-* you have no. Christianity; but the Devil’s substitute for Christianity. With­ out the Bible Doctrine of the Atonement you have no real gospel, but an utterly false and soul-destroying philosophy. In speak­ ing on the doctrine of the Deity of Christ I said: “If a man really holds to right " views concerning the person of Jesus Christ He will sooner or later get right views on every other question, but, if'h e holds a wrong view concerning the person ' of the Lord Jesus Christ he is pretty sure to go wrong on everything else sooner or later.” The same is true regarding the doc­ trine of the Atonement: If a man really holds to right views concerning the atone­ ment made by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary, he will

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