King's Business - 1918-06



ness containing Dr. Torrey’s article “Is' Future Punishment Endless?” About a year ago I sat through a course of lectures on this subject, and while I did not accept the lecturer’s views, I can assure you that I was very much upset as it made a strong appeal to me. I determined by prayer and study of the Word to settle the question. It has been a trying time, but, praise God, He has been leading me into the light during this time of testing. A friend gave me your magazine last evening calling my attention to the above-mentioned article and it was all that was needed to drive away the last doubts and settle absolutely for me the fact that punishment is endless and eternal, and that “now is the accepted time; now is the day of salvation.” Pray with me that God will use this message of Dr. Torrey’s among my friends, some of whom have fallen into this error and(others are unsettled.

did I. We got a concordance and in the quiet hours of night duty would study every word in reference to hell, having no good books or teacher to teach us at that time, and not knowing the other heresies of this terrible doctrine. He finally decided to go over to the Millenial Dawnists, nearly breaking his Christian mother’s heart. Now, where is he? You can see him jjoing along the streets, I am told, a paper in his hand, choosing the best horse winner, and they now call him “Gambling Bill” instead of “Holy Bill.” I have no doubt that there are thousands of others who have been led astray by this awful error. If your addresses could be put in pamph­ let form I would, though a poor working man, be glad to mail out a good many of them. Another letter is to the following effect: Enclosed find fifty cents for which please send me five copies of T he K ing ’ s B usi ­

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Dr. Mark Matthews Announces an Important Meeting.

W E are in receipt of the following notice from Dr. Mark Matthews, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Seattle, Wash.: “An important Bible Conference opens in the First Presbyterian Church, Seattle, Wash., Thursday night, June 6th. The fol­ lowing well known Bible teachers will lead the Conference: Rev. R. A. Torrey, D. D., Rev. James M. Gray, D. D., Rev. W. Leon Tucker, Rev. A. C. Gaebelein. Dr. Gray will open the Conference with a series of addresses on prophetic studies entitled, ‘Daniel and the Prophets.’ Rev. Mr. Tucker will give a series of addresses on the Books of Ephesians and Revelation. Rev. Gaebe­ lein will give a series of lectures on the Books of Matthew and Romans. Dr. Tor­ rey will give two series of five addresses

each. The first series will be on The Holy Spirit, His Person and Work; the second series will be on Personal Work and How to Win Souls. We are expecting Mr. Smith and other noted Bible workers to be present. We hope ¡for a large Conference and we ask the prayers' of all the Bible workers throughout the United States. We ask their prayers, sympathy and assistance in order that this Conference may be the most successful prophetic Bible Conference ever held. The Conference will open every afternoon at 2 o’clock, closing at 4:15, and every evening at 7 :45 o’clock, closing at 9:15, two addresses in each period. The singing will be led by some noted singer. We hope to have one thousand registered pupils. The popular lectures will be open to the public.”

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