Chapter 9
Policies The policies listed below are recommendations from this Comprehensive Plan update. Any policies should be reexamined as part of future Thoroughfare Plan updates to ensure the City continues to address the most recent data available. 1. The City of Pearland will update the Thoroughfare Plan to include definitions and descriptions of the roadway classifications. 2. The City of Pearland will review and revise existing access management policies and guidelines to address spacing between streets and driveways, turn lanes, and median openings to better align access and mobility by functional classification. 2 3. The City of Pearland will maintain and expand the existing well-connected network of thoroughfares; the City will expand the existing network to address existing gaps and include additional support for the mobility needs of vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians. 4. The Engineering and Public Works departments will update the City’s right-of-way requirements to obtain additional width at thoroughfare intersections to allow for dedicated turn lanes and increased capacity, as well as any additional safety or Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. 5. The City of Pearland will identify, design, and implement safety improvements on the roadways with the highest rate of automobile crashes and incidents involving bicycles and pedestrians through the use of Complete Streets design concepts.. 5 1 3 4
Thoroughfare Planning and Mobility This chapter discuses Pearland’s current transportation assets for both automobiles and non-motorized transportation to identify key gaps in the current infrastructure. To best accommodate the Future Land Use Plan (FLUP), strategic recommendations were made for infrastructure improvements to serve roadways, bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit. Mobility planning combines both engineering and planning principles to help move people and goods to and from their destinations. The Thoroughfare Planning and Mobility component establishes the City’s transportation policy direction and provides a long-term overview of major transportation improvements that will be necessary to support the FLUP and the other goals of the Comprehensive Plan.
A Thoroughfare Plan is a long-term plan that designates roadway classifications throughout the City to preserve rights-of-way to accommodate future growth. The City of Pearland's Thoroughfare Plan was last updated as a citywide process in 2014, with an update to two small area boundaries in 2021. The City also has a Multi-Modal Master Plan that was prepared in 2021 that identified short- and long-term improvements to improve the bicycle and pedestrian network throughout the city. The Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) and the City of Pearland partnered to provide a citywide Mobility Study, which includes an update to the Thoroughfare Plan and incorporation and update of the Multi-Modal Master Plan in 2023. Additionally, a Traffic Management Plan was prepared in 2015 to assess Pearland’s transportation system and make recommendations for short-, medium-, and long-term improvements. Information and recommendations identified in this chapter and recommendations made in the studies referred to above should help to inform and guide the upcoming update.
6. The City of Pearland will develop a complete non-motorized transportation network that connects parks and trails with other major origins and destinations.
7. The Community Development, Engineering, and Public Works departments will partner with the CVB to advertise existing bicycle and pedestrian facilities, in addition to the City taking opportunities to provide educational outreach.
2021 COMMUNITY SURVEY At least 50% of residents rated the ease of travel as good or excellent, which is a 20% improvement from 2019
8. The City of Pearland will coordinate with H-GAC to investigate potential options to provide residents with increased access to transit services.
Chapter 9
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