FUTURE THOROUGHFARE PLAN UPDATE The future update of the Thoroughfare Plan should specifically define each of the classifications and ensure that the existing or planned future revisions to the roadways are consistent with the definitions of each. These definitions for each roadway classification should: Î Include specific access management requirements, including spacing between signalized intersections and driveways, median openings, and turn lanes Î Require future development along major thoroughfares to analyze the feasibility of shared access to driveways and parking areas Î Include typical cross-sections that include accommodations for multi-modal transportation options; the cross-sections proposed in the City of Pearland Multi-Modal Master Plan should be used as a baseline, with updates to accommodate any changes since the completion of the Multi-Modal Plan In addition, future changes should address existing dead-end thoroughfares. Anything with a classification higher than a local roadway should not stub into a local roadway, or a roadway with a significantly lesser roadway classification. This may cause traffic congestion issues later as the traffic from a wider, more traveled roadway enters a roadway that is not classified to handle the same amount of traffic. KEY ISSUES FOR MOBILITY IN PEARLAND: Î There are multiple barriers, including railroads, freeways, and waterways, that limit mobility— specifically in the east and west directions Î Multiple access points and curb cuts along major corridors introduce safety and efficiency issues Î With the recent history of growth in the city, there are numerous intersections at or nearing capacity Î A majority of trips are made by automobile; Pearland has developed a strong set of individual trails for non-motorized mobility; however, gaps exist and transitions from off-street to on-street network need improvement
Safety From 2017–May 2022, there were 26,036 vehicular crashes in the City of Pearland, 45 of which were fatal. While less than 1% of all crashes within this time period ended in a fatality, all were caused by human error, meaning that they were preventable. The nationwide safety initiative Vision Zero operates with the goal of reducing human error and preventing every death caused by vehicular crashes. All crash data was provided through the Texas Department of Transportation’s Crash Records Information It is a top priority for the City to address potential safety risks in its transportation network. The City's traffic division currently provides traffic calming recommendations for specific signage as well as a flashing yellow arrow implementation system to address safety. To identify these risks, crash history was examined for potential trends in crash locations and contributing factors. The following statistics do not include crashes on SH 288, as this is a facility with unique access control and tolling operations in some segments. Of the crashes within the 2017– May 2022 time period, 12% were either fatal or ended in injury. Figure 9.5 provides a map of crash hot spots within the City and general locations of fatalities. SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS System (TxDOT CRIS). CRASH HISTORY Once the characteristics of crashes and crash locations were identified, recommendations were created to mitigate these issues. These recommendations are outlined in the Actions section, but generally include: Î Partnership with H-GAC and TxDOT to identify specific safety issues at locations that experience higher crash rates and/or fatalities and develop implementation and funding plans to construct safety measures. Where locations are outside of the City limits, Pearland should coordinate with the appropriate County for implementation. See action item 9.2. Î Provide a well-designed and continuous pedestrian and bicycle network. Î Adopt citywide policies and programs for traffic calming, enforcement, and access management, such as a neighborhood traffic calming program or an access management program based on classifications of roadways. Î Implement additional enforcement for speeding and obeying traffic control devices.
Chapter 9
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