Multi-Modal Network Planning for modes of transportation other than motorized vehicles is an essential part of ensuring that the mobility system in the City of Pearland is comprehensive and comfortable. Multi-modal planning is most effective when taking into account the following elements: Î Connection – providing a network that has a high level of connectivity with other facilities Î Comfort – designing multi-modal facilities that are separated form vehicular traffic to maintain a high level of comfort for users Î Continuity – prioritizing projects that close gaps in the existing network before building new ones Î Coherence – designing signage and wayfinding elements in the network that allow users to understand multi-modal routes and interaction with other modes BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN Bicycle riders and pedestrians experience the greatest risk of severe
Freight Figure 9.6 designates the truck routes throughout Pearland. These were established in 2014 by the City of Pearland and accommodate the professional services and manufacturing and warehouse place types throughout the city. One area in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ), including and surrounding the Pearland Regional Airport, does not have direct access to a truck route. As the professional services and industrial area surrounding the airport continue to develop, the City should coordinate with Brazoria County and the City of Friendswood to propose Pearland Parkway south of Dixie Farm Road as a future truck route to accommodate this area.
TRANSIT In spring of 2022, H-GAC,, as the governing body for Houston’s 13-county region, began an effort called the Pearland Transit Needs Assessment and Plan to look at population and employment patterns in the City, analyze what public transportation may work for Pearland, and engage the public to inform any recommendations that come from the Plan. The Pearland Transit Needs Assessment and Plan will help inform transit recommendations moving forward. Recommendations from that Plan may be incorporated into this plan by future amendment. Throughout the comprehensive planning process, the public provided feedback that transit would be a benefit to the community. For example, with the proximity of Pearland to the Texas Medical Center (TMC), a local circulator or a park-and- ride service may help reduce some of the single-occupancy trips to and from the areas.
injury or fatality when involved in an automobile crash. A well- designed multi-modal network can significantly decrease the risk of those using non-motorized forms of transportation. The City of Pearland completed the Multi-Modal Master Plan in 2021. Existing and proposed bicycle and pedestrian facilities are detailed within that plan. Generally, the Plan proposes 10-foot-wide shared-use paths along select thoroughfares to provide connectivity between major destinations. It outlines the general timeline for the thoroughfares to be constructed or reconstructed, allowing for the multi-modal facilities to be incorporated. It also proposes new sidewalks where current gaps exist, providing for a more connected and safer network overall. See Action item 9.5. INCREASED VISIBILITY AND AWARENESS In addition to the recommendations in the Multi-Modal Master Plan, the City should also implement educational outreach campaigns for both motorists and bicyclists/pedestrians. These outreach campaigns should include information on rules of the road for non-motorized transportation and share the road policies to better inform all users about how to use the roadway network. This outreach will make motorists more aware of the users of the multi-modal network, increasing the visibility of bicyclists and pedestrians. An extra emphasis should be placed on bicycle and pedestrian activity near school areas through Safe Routes to School initiatives as well as pedestrian and bicycle accident hot spots. As part of the outreach campaigns, the location of bicycle and pedestrian facilities should be advertised so that users are aware of the options available to them as part of the multi-modal network. A part of the campaign could highlight locations of travel facilities, trailheads, and amenities along a given path and should be communicated through either a smartphone app or the use of temporary electric street signs.
At-Grade Railroad Crossings Railroads Truck Routes City Limit ETJ
Sources: TxDOT CRIS Data, Pearland Open Data June 2022
There are also several at-grade railroad crossings within and adjacent to Pearland. The City, in coordination with H-GAC, will be conducting a corridor study for FM 518 in 2023; this study will make recommendations about how the alignment and future operations of FM 518 interact with the surrounding transportation network. The railroad parallel to FM 521 has multiple at-grade crossings, but they are just outside of the City boundaries. Fort Bend County, in coordination with TxDOT, is designing one at-grade separation at Broadway Street and FM 521 and will help reduce the barriers to entry for the City.
Chapter 9
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