Actions Items in green indicate a recommendation that is also included in the existing Pearland Prosperity (PP) framework. Î 9.1 Update Thoroughfare Plan: Update the Pearland Thoroughfare Plan to include definitions and descriptions of the roadway classifications, cross-sections, and access management standards. The Pearland Engineering Design Criteria Manual should be updated to incorporate all changes. Î 9.2 Safety Audits: Partner with H-GAC to provide Intersection Safety Audits (ISA) for the locations that experience higher crash rates and/or fatalities, listed in Figure 9.5. Î 9.3 Thoroughfare Studies: Prioritize and conduct access management and safety corridor studies along Broadway Street, Cullen Boulevard, Silverlake Parkway, and SH 35, where safety needs are most critical; coordination with the County will be required in areas within the ETJ. Î 9.4 TxDOT SIP: Partner with TxDOT to develop a multi-year safety improvement plan to fund and construct safety measures. Î 9.5 Multi-Modal Master Plan: Continue to implement the recommendations from the City of Pearland Multi-Modal Master Plan to provide a well-designed and continuous pedestrian and bicycle network. Î 9.6 Traffic Enforcement: Implement additional enforcement for speeding and obeying traffic control devices. Î 9.7 Positive Reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement methods to reward citizens for obeying traffic laws; this could be done on an annual or bi-annual basis. Best practices from other cities include small-amount gift cards handed out for obeying traffic laws, for example. Î 9.8 Plan Updates: Update the City of Pearland Multi-Modal Master Plan and Thoroughfare Plan every five years at a minimum to keep the recommendations up to date with ongoing Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) projects and existing conditions. Î 9.9 Pedestrian Realm: Update the Unified Development Code (UDC) with specific pedestrian realm requirements in areas with middle market housing, including shade, wider sidewalks, refuge, benches, trash receptacles, etc. Î 9.10 Educational Outreach: Partner with the Pearland Convention and Visitors Bureau and other organizations, including school districts and bicycling or walking organizations, to implement educational outreach campaigns for both motorists and bicyclists/pedestrians. Î 9.11 Trail Map: Advertise the location of multi-modal facilities and corresponding amenities to communities within 1,000 feet of the facility after opening. Additionally, plan and propose a trail map be included in parks brochures and communications on an annual basis. Î 9.12 Railroad Crossings: Partner with railroad companies, nearby counties, and TxDOT to investigate where existing at-grade railroad crossings could be grade-separated in the future. Î 9.13 ITS Plan: Under go an Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Master Plan to inventory existing equipment and to define path moving forward for implementing technologies that will make the transportation system more efficient. Î 9.14 Traffic Events: Events such as National Traffic Safety Month in August should be capitalized as a way to increase visibility.
Π9.15 Long-term Maintenance: PP D-1: Continue to support the long-term maintenance of Pearland’s infrastructure. Π9.16 State Projects: PP D-2: Ensure the successful activation of the Broadway / FM 518 widening and reconstruction project. Π9.17 Priority Road Projects: PP D-3: Advance the planning, design, and construction of priority road projects. Π9.18 State and Federal Funding: PP D-4: Continue to seek state and federal funding and other resources for transportation projects. Π9.19 Transit Plan: PP D-6: Advance the development and activation of the Pearland Transit Needs Assessment and Plan. Π9.20 Advance Infrastructure Projects: PP D-7: Continue to advance infrastructure projects that improve drainage and stormwater management.
Chapter 9
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