Pearland Comp Plan_2024

Actions Items in green indicate a recommendation that is also included in the existing Pearland Prosperity (PP) or Parks Master Plan (PMP) frameworks. Î 10.1 CenterPoint Trails: Partner with H-GAC to coordinate with CenterPoint to allow public trails and open space on existing utility corridors (related to the Parks Master Plan (PMP) Strategy 1.1.2). Î 10.2 Neighborhood Park Maintenance: Conduct a financial analysis to determine the most appropriate system for coordinating with HOAs on the maintenance of neighborhood parks and connection to City parks and trails (related to PMP Strategies 1.1.1, 1.1.4, and Objective 1.3). Î 10.3 Park Programming: Provide more programming at parks throughout the City and the recreation center, including outdoor adventure programs, family-oriented programs, and outdoor educational programs (related to PMP Strategy 1.2.1). Î 10.4 Encourage Tournaments: Coordinate with the Convention & Visitors Bureau to continue providing reduced internal barriers for use by tournaments to allow for increased hotel occupancy. Î 10.5 Parks Studies: Complete feasibility studies for each major facility described in the 2020 Parks Master Plan, as well as a recreation center for the west side of town and a shared-use facility along Hughes Ranch Road across SH 288. Î 10.6 Master Plans: PP E-1: Continue to implement the Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Trails Master Plan. Î 10.7 Long-term Sustainability: PP E-4: Evaluate tools to ensure the long-term sustainability of privately owned park facilities.

ADDITIONAL PARKLAND AND NATURAL AREAS The 2020 Parks Master Plan indicates that there are several areas throughout the city that are not currently being served by parks. Residents have also requested additional parks throughout the city, including dog parks and water play areas or swimming pools. Acquiring new parkland can be difficult, especially as Pearland is continuing towards buildout. More recently, employers are becoming more interested in providing a higher quality of life for their employees while at work. Similar to the park dedication or in-lieu fee for residential construction, the City should establish a dedication requirement for new businesses that are directly along a designated trail. These areas that are also close to residences could provide dog park or swimming pool accommodations. The Drainage Master Plan indicates that a significant amount of land will be needed for future detention. The City should design these future detention ponds to serve a dual purpose that includes detention and recreation. The wet-bottom detention ponds should be a feature to the community as well as a functional utility. For ponds that are not adequate to become wet-bottom detention ponds, amenities such as sports fields should be considered for future improvement of those basins. The community has expressed a desire for additional natural areas. These areas can be enhanced through polices that require habitat restoration, conservation areas, restoration of riparian vegetation, native plantings, and alternative tree species for streetscape enhancements in key areas of the City. Natural vegetation provides multiple benefits for the community, including cooler air in the summer, as the heat waves are absorbed into the vegetation; dampening of sound; provision of buffers; reduction of stormwater runoff and flood damage; and the reduction of air pollutants.

– Quote from public feedback map “

Instead of selecting trees just for beautification like crape myrtles, native trees could have been planted. They would address multiple factors such a beautification, reduction of urban heat, wildlife habitat, etc.”





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