Pearland Comp Plan_2024

Chapter 11

Strategy 1: Encourage middle market Housing Of the existing occupied housing units, 81% consist of single-family homes at price points that are unaffordable to many first-time buyers. Many of these first-time buyers coincidentally comprises of most of the workforce in Pearland and the Greater Houston Metropolitan Statistical Area. Implementing policies that promote middle market housing development in Pearland will provide more housing variety and a range of prices. As is the case throughout Texas, Pearland has a low housing diversity. Relatively few middle market housing choices such as duplexes, bungalows, garden homes, or townhomes have been constructed in Pearland. A common theme from the public engagement portion of this comprehensive plan divulged a frustration with availability of housing stock attainable for first time buyers, workforce housing (for example, retail employees, police, and schoolteachers), and retirees looking to downsize. The average home footprints and purchase prices available are not typically affordable by population in the age 20 to 30 cohort, which may be why this cohort’s population is lower than expected compared to surrounding communities. Str ategy 2: Update the Unified Development Code (UDC) As the City begins to implement recommendations from the Comprehensive Plan, some existing requirements within the UDC will be in conflict. The City should update the UDC to be in line with recommendations from the comprehensive plan. The update should also include graphics that allow applicants to more clearly understand the intent of the Code. Strategy 3: Planned Development of the Lower Kirby District The development of the Lower Kirby/Ivy District has been an important topic for the City of Pearland for more than a decade. The City extended Kirby Drive to Beltway 8 frontage roads and provided utilities in the area. Since that time, the Lower Kirby District has seen significant development, with much more outlined in the master plan for the area.

Implementation Strategy A successful comprehensive plan will clearly communicate the City’s overall goals and priorities to City staff, leaders in the community, and the general public. This policy document will provide direction to decision makers as Pearland continues to evolve. The plan will act as a blueprint that recommends next steps to achieve the vision and goals. It will identify potential funding sources and partnerships that the City can leverage to implement the plan. In this section, action items related to the three main objectives are presented and include timeline timeframe, key players, and potential funding sources. Successful implementation will require proactive coordination between the City, other key players, and the community. In the next sections, action items will be listed for each of the three overarching strategies from the Pearland 2040 Comprehensive Plan. All action items listed in the report are located in Appendix E.

KEY PLAYERS Î Bicycling groups Î Homeowners Associations (HOAs) Î Keep Pearland Beautiful Î Pearland Historical Society Î Pearland Alliance for Art and Culture Î Lower Kirby Pearland Management District Î Pearland Chamber of Commerce Î Pearland Economic Development Corporation (PEDC) Î Independent School Districts (ISDs) Î City of Pearland (includes staff, Planning and Zoning Commission, City Council, and the Mayor) Î Adjacent municipalities (includes adjacent counties and cities where appropriate) Î Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership (BAHEP) Î METRO Î Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) Î TxDOT Î Railroads

CHAPTER & RECOMMENDATION "Where" These columns identify the name of the chapter where the recommendation

ACTION ITEMS "What" This column recommends a course of action



Short-Term 0-1 year

Mid-Term 2-7 years

This column specifies the recommended start time of implementation. Ongoing action items are activities that the City and other key players should perform on a regular basis.

This column includes a list of public and private organizations that will be the key to furthering implementation of the action items.

to begin achieving the goals from this comprehensive plan.

is stated and its corresponding recommendation number in that chapter.

Long-Term 7-15+ years

Ongoing Continual





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