Popular Opinion Quotes provided below represent ideas that were expressed or upvoted most often through the public engagement process. Appendix B provides all comments received.
“I would like to see the City of Pearland bury power lines and get rid of the utility poles. This would go a long way toward beautification of the area, and add resistance to extreme weather conditions.”
“Need sidewalks so kids can safely get to the school. Currently have to walk in the road.” “Pedestrian bridge connecting west and east Pearland. Access to mall and into neighborhoods without cross traffic.” “Connecting these multi-use pathways would be ideal for walkers and joggers, cyclists and general pedestrian use.” “The new library is beautiful, but not very accessible as it is cutoff from the neighborhood by the busy road [sic]. A walking path from the new trail from the north and need to make a safe pedestrian crossing for people to get across without the use of a car. Need to widen and make safer the walking path from Kirby to the new library. Turn the large shoulders of shadow creek into a protected bike path.”
“We need a family recreation center of some type on the west side.” “Something like the Baybrook area with green area for people to just hang out but also restaurants, coffee shops, for people to sit or just grab a bite.” “It would be nice to have a family fun event place like Main Event with bowling, video games, food, etc.” “I would suggest Pearland include sections in this planning effort addressing resilience, climate action, and sustainability…” “A bakery...breakfast brunch area or an 85 degree bakery... We need more options for the Asian Community.”
“Urban area close to town center will bring many people, and address residential need without creating traffic due to accessibility to freeway.” “Shopping centers with same businesses, most have the same nail, hair, urgent care, dentist, pizza etc several on pearland pkwy mirror. So many crammed into a few miles. Would like to see a museum like Sugar Land or splash pad something fun with the land. Event center.” “Need a “walkable area” with shops, breweries, boutiques, tea rooms, etc.”
“Small town/old town feel-retail and restaurant.” “Potential public space that utilizes a train depot theme. Could include public space for concerts and events, food trucks, shops, restaurants.” “Please reconsider the layout for the “Gateway to Pearland” So much concrete. Needs to blend in with the ivy district concept. We need to get out of the 90s sprawl mindset.” “Pearland - PEDC- have done a fantastic job at this entrance with the monument signs and landscaping down Main St./HWY 35. Beautiful Entrance to Pearland. We appreciate your hard work. This has made a big difference on Hwy 35.”
“Old town can be a great location for mixed use area.” “An additional Senior Center should be placed on the west end of the city since this facility is overbooked and our community is growing in seniors!” “Need additional roof tops to support existing retail center. High density housing here would have excellent proximity to other uses as well as major thoroughfares.”
“Make the sidewalk around the lake wider for people that just want to walk around; add sitting areas for people watching” “Many residents would benefit with the development of a skate park at Centennial Park.” “With the new residential areas planned for this area it is important for parks and trail connections to be consistent throughout.” “The trails are such an asset to the community. The overall trail experience could be enhanced through habitat restoration and tree planting efforts of native species along the trail and adjacent detention areas.”
Chapter 1
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