Pearland Comp Plan_2024

D OLD MASSEY RANCH Also referred to as Business Park South, this area is generally defined by the ETJ limits to the west, Old Massey Ranch Road to the north, Pearland Sites Road to the east, and Hastings Cannon Road to the south. This area is largely vacant at the current time, with some existing single-family residential. There are some large drainageways and utility easements throughout the catalyst site, adding some restrictions to development. Single-family residential is planned for the southwest corner of the site. Future uses should complement the surrounding single-family residential, take advantage of the existing utility easements, and help to create a sense of place within the site.  E SH 35/BAILEY This area is generally defined by the BNSF Railway on the west, SH 35 on the east, 1/3 mile north of Bailey Road, and the planned extension of Dixie Farm Road. This area largely exists as professional services/light industrial, with some planned single-family residential along Bailey Road. Pearland High School is in the northeast corner of the site. In 2016, The City of Pearland and the PEDC created the SH 35 Corridor Redevelopment Strategy, which recommends a business park within this catalyst site. This plan was adopted by the City as part of the previous comprehensive plan. Future uses should be compatible to the high school and the incoming single-family development, but should also allow business, light industrial, and manufacturing to thrive. The area’s proximity to the railroad and SH 35, a designated truck route, allows for ease of transportation for some of these larger-scale businesses.  F BROADWAY/CULLEN This area is generally defined by Silverlake Parkway to the west, Roy Road to the east, and is bisected by FM 518/Broadway Street by ½ mile to the north and one mile to the south. The City of Pearland has multiple facilities in the area, including the Public Safety Building, the Hillhouse Public Works Annex, and the Shari D. Coleman Animal Shelter, making it an important hub for the City. Broadway Street is currently lined on both sides by commercial development. Single-family residential and some multifamily residential lie on either side of the commercial development, north and south of Broadway Street. There are two main north-south thoroughfares through the site—Cullen Boulevard and Manvel Road/Reid Boulevard. West of both thoroughfares are contiguous tracts of undeveloped land. Future uses should complement the existing commercial businesses along Broadway, while beginning to incorporate non-commercial uses to provide a live/work/play environment.

Place Types The existing land uses within Pearland’s Code of Ordinances were translated into new place types. Land use designations differ from place types in that land uses often prescribe a single land use to an area. Instead, place types describe the potential character of the area, as well as their future land uses and general design parameters. Place types provide decision-makers with a range of design and development requirements, allowing development to be more flexible and creating a unique sense of place rather than being prescriptive and creating a result that does not always fit with the surrounding area. It should be noted that each place type is also assigned secondary land uses that could be compatible with the primary use and can be considered for development. These place types were applied to the City’s FLUP. A diagram has been included to depict how the land use categories were translated to place types. This diagram only depicts how they were changed from the previous category to the new category. Once this process was finished, the place types were evaluated to see if the general land use category overall should be changed (i.e. from commercial to mixed-use). While the entire City was evaluated, special attention was directed toward the catalyst sites.





42 Chapter 4


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