Pearland Comp Plan_2024

Mixed-Use Center

Local Example: La Centerra

CHARACTER AND INTENT The mixed-use place type offers the ability to live and work in a unified, interconnected area with a higher intensity of uses and a mixture of housing options, employment, and/or retail services in the same structure. This place type lends toward more of a form-based code rather than focusing on the use of a building. This will allow for more flexibility of use within an area, while ensuring a predictable public realm and design standards. Vertical mixed-use buildings typically stand at least two-stories tall, with multiple uses within the building. The design encourages active living through a network of complete, walkable streets.


PRIMARY LAND USES Î Retail Î Commercial Î Apartments and condominiums Î Senior housing Î Hotels Î Entertainment centers Î Personal and business services Î Office Î Live/work units SECONDARY LAND USES Î Civic and institutional uses Î Schools Î Parks Î Community buildings

Commercial Center

Local Example: Silverlake Village, Shadow Creek Ranch Town Center, The Center at Pearland Parkway

CHARACTER AND INTENT Commercial centers are characterized by single- or multi-tenant commercial centers located at major intersections. They are typically adjacent to traditional residential neighborhoods and provide for the everyday goods and service needed by the residents in these neighborhoods. While these centers are typically automobile-oriented, there will be a continued focus on providing street connections to/from the surrounding neighborhoods.


PRIMARY LAND USES Î Retail Î Restaurants Î Multi-tenant commercial Î Junior anchor commercial SECONDARY LAND USES Î Hotels Î Civic and institutional uses Î Parks



Chapter 4


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