Chapter 5
Infrastructure and Public Services This chapter describes how infrastructure master plans (water, wastewater, and drainage) and Public Services elements (police, fire, library, etc.) for the City of Pearland impact the future development patterns, density, and other elements of the City. The intent of this section is not to re-state those plans, but instead to consider how these plans interact with and influence the goals and objectives of the City and to provide guidance related to potential future updates to those plans to establish the best alignment with the new city- wide vision. This section builds upon Pearland’s development strategies and identifies new policies and implementation steps aimed at further protecting the health, safety, welfare, and quality of life of existing and future residents and businesses.
Relation to other Master Plans Pearland has invested in documents that serve as planning tools that City staff use to coordinate with residents, developers, and regional organizations. The following published master plans serve as foundational references incorporated into this comprehensive plan: Î Water Master Plan: completed by KIT Professionals, Inc. in 2019, the water master plan examines the existing water supply and distribution system, estimates future water demands based on growth determined by land use patterns, and defines a capital improvement plan on a 5-year and a 10-year horizon. Î Wastewater Master Plan: completed by Freese and Nichols, Inc. in 2020, the wastewater master plan examines the existing wastewater collection system, projects wastewater contributions based on land use patterns, and defines a capital improvement plan on 5-year and buildout horizons (2026 to 2042). Î Master Drainage Plan Update: completed by HALFF Associates, Inc. in 2019, the Master Drainage Plan updated the hydraulic and hydrologic models, estimated impervious surface areas based on existing and future land uses, and also recommended high-level projects for flood risk reduction, including channel widening, bridge replacement, and detention. Î The Thoroughfare Plan , Multi-modal Master Plan , Parks, Recreation, Open Spaces and Trail Master Plan , and Pearland Prosperity Plan , while not specifically covered in this chapter, are referenced elsewhere throughout this comprehensive plan.
Water Distribution System Pearland’s robust water supply and distribution system provides potable water to residents and businesses throughout the City. Pearland’s water distribution system serves approximately 40,000 water connections. The system’s total capacity is 34.4 million gallons per day (MGD). In 2020, the average daily demand for the water system was 10.6 MGD, leaving an excess available capacity of 23.8 MGD. The historic peak day demand of the potable water system is 25.7 MGD. The City's water system includes 13 water plants, 12 groundwater wells, and two surface water re-pump stations. The system service area mostly covers the city limit boundaries except for a few areas. The Pearland Municipal Utility District (MUD) 1 is not served by the City system. Additionally, an area of the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) between Stone Road and Max Road is not served by the system. Figure 5.1 shows the boundaries of the City and ETJ limits, water service area, and the MUD boundaries. This exhibit demonstrates that the water distribution system provides coverage for the
majority of the developable land area in Pearland. FIGURE 5.1 WATER SERVICES IN PEARLAND
Chapter 5
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