2021 Annual Report: Food & Water Watch / Action

Food & Water Watch • Food & Water Action • 2021 Annual Report

Fighting Water Privatization in New York and Nationally Protecting people’s right to water included Food & Water Watch’s continued efforts to keep water rights public. In New York,

of water in the state, and an essential step toward more affordable, cleaner water. Nationally, we prevented water privatization measures from being included in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act. This bill also provided more

we defeated water privatization plans in Binghamton. And with our urging, Governor Hochul signed legislation establishing two new public water authorities on Long Island. These were powerful blows to the corporate control

than $55 billion to fund water infrastructure projects over five years and $15 billion for lead service line replacement. Support for the WATER Act Surges Early in the year, Food & Water Watch fought to reintroduce the WATER (Water, Accessibility, Transparency, Equity, and Reliability) Act in Congress, and helped secure 77 original sponsors. This legislation would create a $35 billion annual fund to restore public water infrastructure — including the replacement of aged residential water main pipes — critical for the health of millions of households. After months of educating the public and policymakers, we ended the year with more than 500 organizations signed on as supporters and a total of 93 congressional cosponsors.

Most-Read Research Reports of 2021

Factory Farm Nation Revealing the dangerous trends of factory farm expansion and increasing

Well-Fed A roadmap to a sustainable food system that works for all

The Relationship Between Water Shutoffs and COVID A report from Cornell University in collaboration with Food & Water Watch

consolidation in the meat, poultry, dairy, and egg industries

foodandwaterwatch.org • foodandwateraction.org


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