Alleyn Club Yearbook 2017




The proposal 1. For reasons explained in Appendix 1, the Committee considers that the true sense of Rule 22 is unsatisfactorily uncertain and that, for the future, such uncertainty should be removed. 2. The Committee considers that there are also unsatisfactory features about Rule 23. First, neither Rule 23 nor any other Rule identifies expressly what element of the Club’s funds may be used to pay the ordinary administrative and other running expenses of the Club. Second, whilst Rule 23 identifies a limit on what the Committee may in any one year apply towards the Rule 3(b) and (c) objects, it makes no reference to any limit on what it may apply towards the Rule 3(a) objects. Third, given the uncertainty as to the sense of Rule 22, there is a consequential uncertainty as to what element of the Club’s funds the Committee is at liberty to apply towards the Rule 3 objects. 3. The provisions in the Rules relating to their alteration are in Rules 19(b) and 25, which are set out in Schedule 1 As Rule 25 shows, the amendment of the Rules as proposed will require a resolution of a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at the Annual General Meeting. 4. The Committee proposes that the Annual General Meeting should consider, and if thought appropriate, pass the resolution for the approval and adoption of the amendments to the Rules set out in Schedule 2.

Schedule 1

“19(a) …

(b) No proposition shall be voted on at the Annual General Meeting unless sufficient notice in writing of such proposition has been given to the Secretary to enable him to include a copy of the same in the notice convening such Meeting. …

25. Subject to Rule 19(b), these Rules may be added to, amended or replaced by resolution of a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at an Annual General Meeting.”


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