Renewable Energy interactive flipbook: Wind down tower.
— Wind down tower
— Click product to learn more:
Secondary gas-insulated switchgear
Primary gas-insulated switchgear
Sub distribution boards
Single-phase UPS
Line card
SafePlus is a metal- enclosed compact switchgear system for distribution applications from 6 to 40.5 kV. The switchgear has unique flexibility due to its extendibility and the possible combination of fully modular and semi- modular configurations. — Secondary GIS
With ZX2.2, ABB offers an arc-proof indoor switchgear especially designed to meet the requirements of the North American market. The stainless- steel gas tanks protect all high voltage parts inside permanently from environmental influences resulting in a very reliable and practically maintenance-free switchgear. All switching devices are motor-operated and can be controlled remotely. — Primary GIS
— Sub distribution boards
Designed for simple and flexible configuration and
provides maximum flexibility to the panel builder and installer, to build the distribution board for any application. System pro E® energy is simple in planning, quick in assembly and safe in application.
— Single-phase UPS
Dedicated UPS design for particular behaviors observed at wind farm sites including extreme temperatures and voltages. Customized UPS firmware and hardware, proven design. UL and CE certification.
— Service
Improving availability, reliability, predictability and sustainability of your assets
ABB Electrification Service partners with utility, industrial and commercial customers across all industries to manage their energy and electrical infrastructure as strategic operational assets in a safer, smarter, and more sustainable way.
— Renewable Energy solutions
Innovative electrical solutions to improve efficiency and reliability, enable safe and continuous operation, and promote sustainability.
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