King's Business - 1952-09

I of His dear Son. Why don’t you just reach out and take that, too, Priscilla Sue?” The little girl’s face broke into a happy smile. “Why, I will,” she said. “ Thank you, Miss Anderson, for telling me. And thank you, God,” she added, “ for Your Gift. And now, read me the verse again about my new name.” Miss Anderson began: “ ‘To him that overcometh—’ ” “What does that mean?” asked Pris­ cilla Sue. “ That means getting victory over things, dear. Do you want to hear the story of a man who was an overcomer and who received a new name?” Then she told her of Jacob, with whom the angel wrestled all night, and to whom God gave the new name Israel, saying that as a prince Jacob had power with God and had prevailed. “ Israel means a ‘prince with God,’ Priscilla Sue.” “ Do you think I might get a new name that meant a ‘princess with God’ ?” the little girl asked eagerly. “ I would love to be a princess.” “ Perhaps you might,” smiled Miss Anderson. “ But, whatever your name is, it will be lovely because God gives it.” They talked together a long time. Miss Anderson told her the story of Saul of Tarsus, who one day came face to face with Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus, and received a Saviour, and a new name—Paul. “And what does Paul mean?” asked Priscilla Sue. “ Small,” replied Miss Anderson. “ And a very appropriate name it is, for a man needs to become small before he can be great in God’s sight. Now we’d better be going, Priscilla Sue. Recrea­ tion time is over, and you need to rest before dinner. Do you feel better?” “ I feel wonderful!” It was recreation time the following day. As Miss Anderson came from her tent and walked toward the ball ground, a bevy of girls closed in about her. “ Prissy did it,” they screamed. “ We have to hand it to Prissy; she never played ball before today, and she scored a home run. Three cheers for Prissy!” Miss Anderson said, “ That’s fine. I’m proud of you, Priscilla Sue. But, girls, don’t call>her Prissy. She doesn’t like it.” “Never mind,” said Priscilla Sue. “ It’s all right.” She slipped her hand into | Miss Anderson’s and walked with her down toward the stream. “ It’s funny,” she said. “ Yesterday, it mattered so much, and today it doesn’t matter at all. About my name, I mean. Prissy sounds nice and chummy now that I am thinking about my new name. I am learning that what people say can’t hurt you—it’s only what we think about it that hurts.” “ You’ve come a long way since yes­ terday,” said Miss Anderson. The little girl looked up wistfully. “ Is that overcoming?” she asked.

“ That’s overcoming, Priscilla Sue. That’s being a little princess with God.” The branches of a great tree above them rustled in the breeze; the sunlight danced in tiny ripples on the stream; overhead a jay disturbed the silence with his saucy chatter. “ What a beautiful world,” sighed the little girl. “ I never dreamed camp would be like this. I’m so glad I came.” Then she murmured to herself, “A little prin­ cess with God—I wonder if I could be? I am going to try.” S p e c ia ls f o r O c t o b e r Among many other interesting fea­ tures, our October issue will contain a very challenging discussion on the ques­ tion of the Christian Day School by Wallace Emerson, Ph.D., head of the department of psychology of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Dr. Emerson will present both sides of this case and it will be invaluable to parents and teachers alike. A scholarly treatise of the subject, “ Can We Believe Genesis?” by Frederick A. Tatford, Litt. D., well-known Bible teacher and editor of Sutton, Surrey, England, a brief missionary article by Rev. George Oestreich of Japan, a pro­ phetic Bible study by Elmer H. Nicholas and messages by Edward W. Goodrick and Edwin Raymond Anderson will also be included.

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