King's Business - 1952-09

The Psalms, which are the expression of every sincere believer’s heart, are filled with adoration and praise to God for His goodness. There is not a man living who does not owe his existence, his health, his wealth, his past, his present and his future to his God. The heart of God is tender toward His people. He feels keenly their re­ sponse to His goodness. Study the in­ cident of the healing of the ten lepers (Luke 17:11-19). How many lepers were healed ? How many returned to give Him thanks? What was our Lord’s re­ action ? Are you grateful to Him for His mercies ? Have you thanked Him lately for dying for you on the Cross, for saving you from hell, for keeping you day by day, for the joy and peace you know as a Christian? When We Worship We Enjoy the Special Presence of God Matt. 18:20 In these matchless words our Lord promises His special presence to those who assemble themselves together in His Name. This verse is one of the most important Scriptures in the New Testa­ ment on the meaning and nature of true worship. The importance of corporate worship is here given. Nothing can ever replace the gathering of the saints in one room for worship, certainly not radio and television. Christ promises His special

sciousness of the Presence of the Lord. Again, the man who sincerely wor­ ships confesses that God is pre-eminently worthy. The word worship derived from “worth-ship,” that is, worthy of our worship. The sincere Christian worships the Lord because he believes that God is a Person of love, grace, mercy, long- suffering, and kindness. As every per­ fection is found in Him, truly He is worthy of our best worship, especially in the light of His redeeming grace (1 Cor. 8:9; 2 Cor. 5:21). When We Worship We Admit That Our Dependence is Upon the Lord Our God Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father above (Jas. 1:17). We are poor without His help. We have no wisdom, strength, ability, or opportunity that does not come from God. He is the Creator; we are the creatures of His hand. We are ignorant, He is wise; we are sinful, He is holy; we are weak, He is strong; we are finite, He is infinite. The more we learn about ourselves and Christ, the purer is our worship. Worship, then, is throwing ourselves at His feet, confessing our destitution, and humbly beseeching His mercy and His aid. ■ When We Worship We Show Our Gratitude to God Psa. 100 Worship is partly ascribing our praise to Him from whom all blessings flow.

Note that these Christians continued in prayer. Do you think prayer is im­ portant? Why should a Christian pray? How should a Christian pray? When should a Christian pray ? Do you attend the prayer meeting of your church? Does your prayer life indicate that you really believe in the great value of prayer? The Church is a Fellowship of Mighty Influence Acts 2:43-47 Note in this paragraph the reasons for the power of the first Church. Ob­ serve their unity (v. 44). Every true Christian ought to receive every other true. Christian as his brother and sister in the Lord. Denominational lines are much too closely drawn in this day when Christians need each other. Note the sympathy of Christians for each other and for those in need (v. 45). True Christians will be concerned about the temporal needs of their brethren. Note the joy and gladness in this early church (v. 46). The true Christian experience is one of great joy. The Bible is a Book of song. Look up Bible refer­ ences to joy, singing and rejoicing. Note the steady growth of this church (v. 47). The church that is blessed of God is a growing church. Souls are at­ tracted to a vital witness. Every church that emulates this early church is also’ growing in numbers. Worship is a lost art. The world is going at too feverish a pace. Men are too busy to enjoy this true “ pause that refreshes.” Worship is the great need of today. Men need to take time out to get before the Almighty. In His pres­ ence problems that loomed large with­ out Him take their proper perspective. In His presence the soul expands, the heart becomes quiet, and life takes on new meaning. Let us study, then, what happens when a man worships. . When We Worship We Attest Our Faith in God Heb. 11:6 The man who worships confesses, first of all, that he believes that God is. Real worship is a personal relationship. It is not only subjective but objective. The true worshiper worships Someone, not something. This Someone is the God re­ vealed in creation (Psa. 19:1-6); He is Someone revealed in the Bible, for God is the Hero of His Book; He is Some­ one revealed finally and perfectly in the person of His Son (John 1:1-18; Heh. 1:1-3; Phil. 2:5-11). In the next place the man who wor­ ships admits that he believes that God is present, that He is near enough to be touched and loved. True worship is fellowship, communion, intimacy with the Well-beloved. Worship is empty, shallow, meaningless without the con- Oct. 12, 1952 WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE WORSHIP? Matt. 18:19-22; Psa. 100

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