King's Business - 1952-09

church work, etc.—but at the same time to be absolutely devoid of salvation. Let us search our own hearts in this matter. A Vivid Illustration 7:24-27 Where is your life being built? Upon the Solid Rock, the Lord Jesus Christ, or upon the shifting sand of self-right­ eousness? The answer to this question determines eternal destiny.

A Needed Warning 7:15-20

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The followers of God need to be for­ ever vigilant against the prowling of false teachers. Many of these false teachers are particularly dangerous be­ cause they do not outwardly reveal their true character. They appear under false colors. They quote Scripture. They use Christian terminology. They speak high­ ly of Jesus. Take, for example, Christian Science, Unity, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc., but inwardly they all are evil because they deny the great fundamentals of the Christian faith. Our Lord’s illustra­ tion of wolves in sheep’s clothing should remind us of what the Apostle Paul said in Second Corinthians, chapter 11, where he spoke of the nature of false teachers who transform themselves into the apos­ tles of Christ (v. 13). He goes on to say that even Satan for purposes of decep­ tion transforms himself “ into an angel of light” (v. 14). Paul therefore con­ cludes that it is not surprising that Satan’s followers also act like “minis­ ters of righteousness” at times. Surely we need the admonition of First John 4:1: “ Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” The rest of this section deals with the way by which false prophets may be known, even by the fruit they bear (v. 20). A Solemn Distinction 7:21-23 In the great day of the establishment of the millennial kingdom, it will be made evident that mere profession is an empty thing. Let us make sure that we have the reality of a vital contact with the Lord Jesus Christ. This passage should teach us the solemn truth that it is possible to have all the outward trap­ pings of Christianity—church member­ ship, keeping of ordinances, doing of

CHRISTIAN LIFE soyst “ An excep­ tionally worth­ while little book­ let on the matter of witnessing to lost souls.”

Helps for the Children Treating Others Fairly Matt. 7:1-12

Memory Verse: “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them” (Matt. 7:1-12). Some boys and girls in camp were very unkind to a girl who was slovenly in her appearance, who used words that they did not use, and who seemed so different from them. At last they learned that she had no mother, her father was a very wicked man, and she had no home and love such as each of them enjoyed. At once they began praying that she would find the Lord Jesus as her Saviour. One day the girl was born- again. At once she commenced to keep her body and her clothing clean, her words were pleasing to her new Lord, and she was happy and cheerful. Some of the children said, “ If we had only known why she looked and acted as she did, we would have been kinder to her and we would not have talked about her as we did!” The Lord Jesus said, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” Usually when boys and girls say unkind things about a per­ son or treat him in an unkind way, it is because they know so little about him and do not understand why he does and says certain things. Some children criti­ cized a boy for always being late to Sunday school. The teacher discovered that the boy’s parents hated church and refused to prepare him any breakfast on Sunday morning. It took him a long time to cook his own breakfast, so he was always late. When they knew why he was late, they began praying for his parents rather than finding fault with him. If each day each Christian boy and girl would prayerfully obey the Saviour’s command, “ All things what­ soever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them,” what a different day it would be! Sometimes our hearts do not like the things that others say and do; only the Lord Jesus can cause us to love sinners even though we hate their sin. Only His love can cause us to be kind and forgiving and peaceable when others irritate us and do things that seem wrong to us. Be­ fore we misjudge someone and treat him unkindly, we must pray that the Lord Jesus will give us love in our hearts that will cause us to treat that one as we would want to be treated if we were he.

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Do not miss the moving message on Page 7 .


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