King's Business - 1952-09

young people, and older people as well, who desire to handle God’s Word ef­ fectively as lay workers. Those who at­ tend must have a high degree of spirit­ ual maturity. It is open to all men and women, spiritually qualified, who desire to become more effective workers for the Lord. A high school diploma is not re­ quired for entrance into this course. In addition to the schools mentioned above, the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles, Inc., provides a one-year post­ graduate course in the School of Mis­ sionary Medicine. This post-graduate school offers one year of accelerated missionary medical work to graduates of Bible Schools, seminaries and colleges as supplementary training for mission­ ary service, and is open to graduates of any school who qualify in the spiritual, intellectual, and missionary require­ ments that are offered. Young people are urged to come and select the school of their choice and pursue their studies here in this great school of the prophets. In every case, the graduates will be thoroughly train­ ed, spiritually qualified, intellectually mature, and will prove to be a real blessing in the lives of all with whom they come in contact. The training offered at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., is the more remarkable because of the fact that there is no tuition charge here. The only expenses to the students are the customary enrollment fees and their room and board. This training has been made possible by God’s people who, by the thousands, are remembering this institution regularly and who are giving of their substance in order that these young people might be prepared for the Lord’s service. — S. H. Sutherland Bible Study a “Must” for the Christian O RTHODOX Protestantism makes much of the Bible, and rightly so. But one wonders sometimes how many orthodox Protestants really use their Bibles. No doubt it would be safe to say that far too few Bible-believing Chris­ tians actually study their Bibles. Bible study is not reading through the Bible in a year; it is not reading books about the Bible; it is not reading the Bible devotionally each day. Bible study is Bible study. Many Christians come to difficult places in the Bible and pass them by. Some Christians never read certain portions of the Bible be­ cause they seem too hard for them to understand. But the entire Bible was inspired of God and given to His people for their profit. This means both the Old and the New Testaments (Rom. 15:4; 2 Tim. 3:16,17; Luke 24:44,45). Every Chris­ tian ought to be more familiar with his Bible than he is with any other book. May we suggest a method of Bible T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

From this course graduates may con­ tinue, if they so desire, in the Talbot Theological Seminary (see below), or they may go to any one of the stand­ ard three-year theological seminaries throughout the country to receive their theological training. The faculty is of the very best; they are thoroughly trained in their respective fields of study and they are all spiritually ma­ ture and alert to the present-day aca­ demic and spiritual needs of young peo­ ple. The Talbot Theological Seminary is the logical outgrowth of the effort to provide comprehensive and complete training here in this great institution for those who desire a theological edu­ cation. The institution is named after our beloved President, Dr. Louis T. Tal­ bot, in recognition of the great service that he is rendering in behalf of the school and the cause of Christ at large. The Seminary faculty is definitely qualified to provide the very best pos­ sible training for the students who en­ roll. One of the outstanding features of the Seminary is the amount of English Bible which is required. Contrary to the ordinary custom of theological semi­ naries throughout the country, there is great stress placed upon the study of the English Bible, as well as studies in the original Biblical languages and in the various areas of evidences, apolo­ getics, theology and church history. During the past year the Board of Directors, with their vision and earnest desire to keep abreast of the times, re­ established the two-year Bible Institute course. The purpose of this course is to train lay men and women in the knowl­ edge and effective practical use of the English Bible and related subjects. It is not intended nor recommended to be a course which should be pursued by those who desire to enter the ministry or ap­ ply for missionary work or other types of full-time Christian service. But it is designed as a comprehensive and inten­ sive course of study in the English Bible and closely related subjects for the pur­ pose of assisting earnest Christian

BIOLA’s Schools T HE leaders of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., are con­ institution the outstanding school of its kind by developing a program that will be in keeping with the academic trends of this generation. At the same time, the school authorities are determined to maintain, and develop wherever possi­ ble, the wholesome spiritual life which has characterized the school from its beginning. It should be kept in mind that there are two distinctive features of the Bible Institute movement: (1) the thorough study of the English Bible and (2) the emphasis placed upon prac­ tical Christian work while learning. These outstanding features of the Bible Institute movement have consistently been maintained by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles through the years. The school was planned, originally, for the training of young men and women that they might be able to learn the truths of God’s Word and then go back to their local churches as lay leaders and vital­ ize the churches and in many ways pro­ claim the great unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ. Calls came from mission boards, churches and other places, asking that Bible Institute students assume places of leadership in full-time Christian work. With the calls came the realiza­ tion that Bible Institute students should have a more thorough training if they were to be qualified to assume such places of responsibility and leadership. And so, through the years there was developed a curriculum which is em­ bodied in the four-year BIOLA Bible College. This is a standard Bible col­ lege of the highest type. The studies lead to the degree of Bachelor of Arts. There are several majors, any one of which may be pursued, but in addition at least thirty units of Bible and doc­ trine in each major are required. This Bible college curriculum is a splendid course for all young people who desire to go into full-time Christian work.

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