
12C — December 18 - January 14, 2020 — Industry Leaders — Owners, Developers & Managers — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal


Industry Leaders

MWSK Equipment, Inc. Technology that neutralizes & eliminates pathogens in air: The Sterionizer


roducing 10 billion to 1 trillion ions, The Steri- onizer generates a large density of positive and negative charged oxygen ions. These molecules, when reacting with water in the air, form H2O2, which clusters around harmful particles. Through this chemi- cal reaction, oxidants break down the protein structure of pollutants to neutralize and eliminate particles, rendering themharmless. The Sterionizer has a patented self-cleaning, no-maintenance feature that allows for increased efficiency and cost-savings. The Ste- rionizer can protect and fight

air solution, we are thrilled to share this product. This prod- uct is especially useful as it both eliminates odors as well as viruses, allergies, bacteria and more,” said Stephanie Wooten, co-founder of Eagle X Pro. The Sterionizer comes in a variety of sizes that are suitable for your small city apartment, showrooms, res- taurants, and as large as fac- tories, airports, airplanes, hos- pitals and more. This product allows for zero maintenance, as it is a self-cleaning technol- ogy product that operates and cleans 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. During the cleaning

process, the device produces ions to eliminate harmful par- ticles and viruses to neutralize the air. “With today’s world still in flux, it is such a positive ad - vancement to have The Steri- onizer finalized and available for installation. Our office and employees are quickly filling up their spaces with these products as the effects of elimi- nating odors and allergies, are remarkable, especially during the change in weather,” said Jim Clinton , vice president of MWSK . “Additionally, the testing of this product has been conducted by profession- als from the healthcare and research industries – focus- ing on COVID-19, Swine Flu, bacteria, mold, fungus and allergies.” MWSK Equipment, Inc. markets and sells high qual- ity and unique air condition- ing, heating and energy con- servation equipment. MAREJ Greysteel facilitates sale of Section 8 property DOVER, DE — Greysteel arranged the sale of the Wil- lows at Dover, an affordable housing community located in Dover. Director, Henry Mathies and senior associate, Fletcher Hultman of Greysteel’s East Coast Affordable Housing prac- tice represented the seller, The Ingerman Group of Collin- gswood, NJ, and procured the buyer. The property sold for $19.55M. The Willows at Dover is a 132-unit, townhouse-style com- munity developed in 1976 and benefits from a Project-Based Section 8 contract. The prop- erty underwent an extensive rehabilitation in 2009 under the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program. The buyer, an affiliate of BLDG Partners of Los An- geles, CA, is a national owner focused on acquiring existing affordable housing assets. Fl e t cher Hul tman o f Greysteel said of the acquisi- tion, “Early on in our review of the property, the Greysteel team identified opportunities to drive real value at the property, while preserving its afford- ability at the tenant-level. The buyer that was ultimately se- lected largely shared our vision, and had the right team in place to make it happen.” MAREJ

The Sterionizer

against infections, allergies, odors, influenza, COVID-19 and more.

“The Sterionizer has a unique ability to bring the outdoor air, inside. As a patented clean

P o s k a n z e r S k o t t A r c h i t e c t s 550 North Maple Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ 07450 201.445.2322 www.poskanzerskott.com

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