
28D — December 18 - January 14, 2020 — Year in Review 2020 — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal



Jose Cruz JLL

Robert Sobol B rinkerhoff E nvironmental S ervices

Ronald Shapiro R utgers B usiness S chool

Johnathan Pozerycki B ridge D evelopment

Alex Klatskin F orsgate I ndustrial P artners

Anne Strauss-Wieder NJTPA

Greg Rogerson J.G. P etrucci

Cliff Majersik I nstitute for M arket T ransformation

Michel Bozza NY & NJ P ort A uthority

Alan Lambiase R iver T erminal D evelopment C o .

Dennis Toft C hiesa S hahinian & G iantomasi

Christopher Alviggi NFP P roperty & C asualty

Marybeth Brenner TRC E nergy S ervices

Chuck Lanyard T he G oldstein G roup

Drew Romanic T he M artin A rchitectural G roup , PC

Dailey Tipton E volution E nergy P artners

Eddie Rivera C itrin C ooperman

Cathy Dolan Schweitzer H ealth W ell D one

Danielle Brunelli R.J. B runelli & C o .

Bruce Johnson C apstan T ax S trategies

Betty Friant Kay P roperties & I nvestments , LLC

Don Haas B randywine R ealty T rust

Edwin Cohen P rism C apital P artners , LLC

Michael Bergman B ergman R eal E state G roup

Erica Figueiredo N ext G eneration S ervices , LLC

Sandra Cardona H ersha H ospitality T rust

Dolores Kelley, Esq. S tark & S tark A ttorneys at L aw

Sadie McKeown CPC M ortgage C ompany LLC

Katie Pass D aroff D esign

Erick Mazzoni C ushman & W akefield

Kathy Anderson P rogress C apital

Brian M. Bruzek CBRE, I nc .

Jamar A. Gordon L egend P roperties I nc .

David Marks TEECOM

Nancy Mozzachio SQN

Brad Molotsky D uane M orris LLP

Anthony DeSenzo SB O ne B ank

Christine Knapp C ity of P hiladelphia

Andrew Markey I nvestors B ank

Jan Alan Lewis C ole S chotz

Brendan McGrath AKF G roup

Jim Crispino G ensler

Christopher Otteau PRC C apital M arkets

Veronica Ferrero E migrant M ortgage C o .

Amy Novak T orcon

Michael T. App T im H aahs

Randi Schillinger S aiber

James Aries U rstadt B iddle

Stephen Field S ynergy H ospitality

Joel Bergstein L incoln E quities

Russell Tepper M ill C reek R esidential

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