Jana Thorstenson Jana is in her fourth year calving, doctoring, feeding, fencing, and anything else cattle related, at the home place. She probably spends more time with the cattle than any of the rest of the crew!
Dan Evje
Clarence Wipf
David Dagley
Dustin Burggraff
Clarence & Glenda Clarence has been our me- chanic for almost 11 years and makes sure all the equip- ment is maintained and run- ning and still keeps the shop clean enough to host a bull sale once a year!
Dan has been working for the ranch for more than seven years now. He recently added a comput- er system in the shop to help diagnose mechani- cal issues which he loves tackle. Dan & Val
Dustin, Lynn, Wyatt, Ty, Tate, Hayes, Jace, Reata & Lindy
David is on his second year with us and brings years of experience with cattle and also breeding and training Hanging Tree cowdogs. David, Susanna, Clementine, Hadassah & Ephraim
Dustin is in his 16th year working at Lazy TV Ranch. He man- ages the north ranch where we run groups of SimAngus, Black Balancer and Angus cows.
Our Crew
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