Catalog Key
P/H Pld - Polled H-Pld - Homozygous Polled (will sire only polled calves) Multi-Pld - Multiple Polled (Dam is at least double polled in ad- dition to the sire being polled) Many Multi-Pld animals could be Homozygous Pollled, but weren’t tested. Color Blk - Black, Multi Blk - Multiple Black (dam is at least double black in addi- tion to the sire being black) , Homo Blk - Homozygous Black (DNA coat tested to only sire black calves). ADG Average Daily Gain from weaning weight to Jan. 24 weight. EPDs EPDs ranked in the top 35% of the breed are shaded in blue. Expected Progeny Difference - expected pounds above or below the breed average for birth weight (BW) , weaning weight (WW) , yearling weight (YW) , ( Milk) , inches for ribeye ( REA ) and marbling (Mb) . Calving Ease Direct/CE (CED/CE) projects the % of unassisted births of a bull’s calves when used in heifers. A higher number is favorable for calving ease. Feeder Profit In - dex (FPI) is an economic selection index used by the Gelbvieh association designed to aid producers in selecting sires whose progeny will perform in the feedlot and are sold on grade and yield. Efficiency Product Index (EPI) is a selection index devel- oped to aid in the selection of more feed efficient cattle that still have acceptable amounts of gain. ( Claw) is expressed in units of claw-set scoore, with a lower EPD being more favorable. (ANG) Angle idicates food angle and a sire with a lower value is more likely to produce offspring with a better foot angle, closer to the desired 45 degrees. Currently 0.5 is the breed average for fooot angle and claw set EPDs. Animals with less than 0.5 can be considered breed improvers. All-Purpose Index (API) , expresses Terminal Index in net dol - lars returned per cow exposed. (TI) includes growth and car- cass information of progeny of Simmental Bulls mated to Angus cows. Dollar Beef ($B) is used by the Angus association as an index value expressed in dollars per head and is the expected average difference in future progeny for postweaning and car- cass value compared to progeny of other sires. Weaned Calf Value ($W) is the expected difference in future progeny performance for preweaning merit which includes both revenue and cost adjustments associated with differences in BW, weaning direct grow, maternal milk and mature cow size. Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M) an index to predict profitabil - ity differences from coneption to weaning assuming individuals retain their own replacement females. Combined Value ($C) combines the $M and $B values to characterize profitablity dif - ferences. We only include the major EPDs due to space, but full EPDs are available by contacting us or by doing a search on the AGA
website,, Angus website, PedSearch.aspx. or the Simmental website at
Dam’s Progeny WWR The number of calves the dam has weaned and their avg adj. weaning weight ratio. BW - Actual Birth weight WW - Adj. weaning weight and ratio YW - Adj. yearling weight and yearling weight ratio FS - Frame Score, adjusted at yearling SC - Scrotal Circumference adjusted to 365 days Breed - BA (Balancer) PB (Purebred Gelbvieh) and the number following either abbreviation is the % Gelbvieh in the animal. Carcass Ultrasound measurements will be available sale day. Feed Efficiency Data Intake: Daily lbs. of dry matter intake RFI: Residual Feed Intake is an in herd index. A negative num - ber indicates less feed consumes while on test. See a more detailed explanation on the inside back cover. Bulls with only Intake data had a 30-day test. If they have no information, they were excluded due to extremely low intakes. GRP - denotes which test group the animal was in.
Genomic Enhanced EPDs GE-EPDs combine pedigree, individual per- formance and genomic information to save time and money, reduce risk and accelerate rate of genetic progress by providing more accurate EPDS on bulls and females two to four years sooner. The suite of 24 genomic trait predictions provides the equivalent of be- tween one and 20 progeny. Bulls with these logos beside the EPD info have had the test.
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