Pride Magazine 2021


The Project to Date In October 2019, a need for D&I training was identified by our HR Manager. This is when my colleagues Antoinette Hogan and Dr Sheila Butler, and I, all lecturers and researchers in the area of D&I, came on board. We began by designing and developing D&I workshops for staff and students. These were piloted in one department, following which, the roll-out across campus began (currently paused due to Covid-19, but they will be back!). The workshops provide an overview of diversity in society and education, then explore Unconscious Bias, Privilege, and Micro-Aggression, but are ultimately heavily focussed on Inclusion. Both skills- and awareness-based, the goal is to support participants in being inclusive on a practical level. By that, we mean that we reinforce that inclusion isn’t ‘just’ about dimensions of diversity. Instead, it’s about dimensions of diversity, but also practical workplace needs, for example having access to the tools needed to do your job, being facilitated in developing workplace relationships, or feeling like you are part of a team. While content is delivered, our role takes the form of facilitation to allow for open, frank discussion and questioning. Each session is framed as being a time for discussion and questioning from the outset. We start each session by explicitly stating that we are not there to lecture anyone, or tell them they are “bad” people, or that everything they do and say regarding D&I is wrong. This is crucial for engagement in D&I training in any setting. D&I training can be an uncomfortable experience and is often rolled-out by organisations when something has “gone wrong”. Sometimes, participants can go to D&I training with preconceived ideas of who the training is for. Focusing on inclusion, which is the extent to which every individual feels they belong and can bring their authentic selves to a situation, in whatever form that takes for them in that particular situation, can ease that idea. We are aware that regardless of its intentions, diversity training can be interpreted by some as “pushing an agenda” for particular groups. That’s not to say that diversity initiatives for particular groups are bad; quite the opposite. Initiatives focussed on particular elements of diversity are fantastic avenues for learning for those who do not have shared experiences regarding that element of diversity, and for opening dialogue. The advantage of also running training focusing on inclusion of all, however, is that it reinforces that inclusion is for everybody, regardless of how they are diverse.

We have also developed what we like to call a “Take Away” pack. This is provided to all workshop attendees, and includes worksheets from the session, and a body of information to assist attendees in applying and developing a deeper understanding of the workshop content. This currently includes information on biases, practical implications associated with diversity in a college setting (although it applies to any learning and training environment), the advantages (“Business Case”) associated with D&I, a model titled Factors Contributing to Inclusion, and an explanation of different Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation terminology. To capture the current perception of Inclusion, and ensure future activities are reflective of as many individuals as possible, surveys were sent to students and staff across MTU. In order to know where to go next, we need to know where we are now. Do staff and students perceive inclusion in MTU at present? What are we doing well, and what needs a little bit of work? Inclusion is momentary and contextual, so we need to keep working at it. Data from these surveys is currently being analysed and compiled into a report, due to be completed over the coming year. While based in MTU, it will be of relevance to other contexts, as although we are an education provider, we are also an organisation. We have also drafted an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy. It’s impossible to get everything to do with D&I into one policy, so this is an umbrella policy that sets the scene for inclusion in MTU, and acts as a reference point for other policies. Again, we are fortunate that across both MTU Cork and Kerry campuses there were some very strong policies in place. Rather than reinventing the wheel, an umbrella policy allows for retention of these existing policies, and simple amendment where needed.

WHAT ARE WE DOING, AND WHY? By Dr Deirdre O’Donovan

Warm greetings on behalf of the Inclusion in Practice group!

We are currently undertaking a first-of-its-kind project in MTU, and are delighted to be able to share with you all, what we are doing, how we are doing it, and why. Our MTU-wide Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) project concerns all staff and students. The primary objective is to support continuing efforts aimed at developing and maintaining an Inclusive MTU for all staff and students. When individuals feel included, they are more engaged, committed, and open to participation. This is true of our educational context, but also workplace and social contexts. What we learn through this work in MTU won’t just be relevant to us, but to any other context that involves people. Everyone is different, meaning diversity is everywhere, whether it seems like it or not. This project is new but is in addition to the many strong initiatives already being undertaken by different groups across MTU. Indeed, we are privileged to be able to say that there are many groups and individuals already making great strides in the inclusion space in MTU, many of whom have been doing so for many years. This project will ultimately support the activities of our colleagues by being stakeholder and data driven, meaning we will be hearing directly from stakeholders what inclusion means to them, and how we can support individuals in perceiving inclusion in MTU. Importantly, the project also supports MTU’s first Core Value: Inclusion.

We have many future plans in the works, so watch the #InclusiveMTU space!

MTU's new part-time Certificate in Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace commences in September 2021.

For further information, check out




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