Happy National Athletic Training Month

• Q: I have noticed that I am having more headaches over the past two weeks. The pain seems to come frombehindmy head and upwards, even to my eyes. Is this something Physical Therapy can help? Ask a PT: Have a question about physical therapy, an injury or pain you’re experiencing? Getting older certainly has its perks! There’s retirement, more time for family events and activities, opportunities to travel, and the ability to finally sit back, kick your feet up for a while and let your hardwork pay off. Alongwith thosemany benefits, however, comes the challenge of remaining physically active. Inactivity increases with age. In fact, statistics show that roughly one third of people 65-years-old are physically active. That’s in contrast to the roughly 80 percent of the general population. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, folks over the age of 65 should be doing 150 minutes of exercise eachweek. This can be broken up into three 10-minute sessions of moderately intense exercises. Try incorporating the following stretches and exercises into your daily routine so you can start gradually improving your health and wellness. Stay Active at Any Age! Clinic News What’s happening at LSTC...

A. Scapular Squeezes 1. Sit up tall with shoulders upright 2. Pull your shoulders back 3. Hold that squeeze for 20 secs. 10 times. B. Bicep Curls 1.Starting Position 2.Bend elbows bringing your hands to your face 3.Repeat 10 reps for 2 sets C. Seated Marches Step 1: Sit upright in a chair. Step 2: Tighten your core. Step 3: Bring one knee straight up to your chest and slowly lower it back to the floor. **Perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions. D. Seated Kicks Step 1: Sit upright in a chair. Step 2: Tighten your core. Step 3: Straighten one leg out forward and slowly bring it back to the floor. Step 4: Repeat on the other leg. ** Perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions.





Refer someone to LSTC for physical therapy! When they come in for care and tell us you referred them, we will enter you into our drawing for a $50 gift card!

• A: Yes, it is something physical therapy can help. Your symptoms suggest it may be an occipital headache. The occipital muscles are a group of muscles located in the neck just under the back of your skull. These muscles connect the top two vertebrae to your head. Those muscles become irritated and tender and can sometimes radiate pain upwards. A physical therapist can do a thorough evaluation to assess if thismay be the cause of your pain. If it is, heat and stretching will be done as well as manual work to attempt at releasing those small occipital muscles. We’ll also educate patients on proper sitting posture as well as the importance of taking breaks from too much repetitive neck movement.

Every time we have 13 entries in the jar, we will draw a name for a $50 gift card. Then the game starts over. Play now for your chance to win and keep playing for more chances!

CONGRATS TO GREG GILES! Greg referred a brand new patient to LSTC and we drew his name in our recent raffle. He wins a $50 gift card. Congrats Greg and thank you for helping spread the work about LSTC!

Ask your question by posting it on our Facebook or twitter page.

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