Fiscal Year 2024 FWWA Annual Report

Let’s Continue Building a Livable Future, Together

Over the past year, dedicated people like you have shown tremendous passion and care for protecting the health of our families, our communities, and our planet. Thank you! As we gear up for another year, we’re so grateful for your continued commitment to building a world where everyone has sustainably grown food, clean and affordable water, and a climate that allows each and every one of us to thrive. We’ll face plenty of challenges. Powerful and greedy corpo- rations will continue prioritizing their profits at the risk of public health and the environment. The elected officials who do their bidding will continue to stand in the way of prog- ress. And the climate crisis will continue to sound alarm bells with extreme weather and dangerous storms. By working together and growing our community of compassionate people like you, we can overcome those challenges, and build on our hard-fought and protective wins for our planet. Momentum is on our side! Let’s continue building a livable future for all, together.


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