Fiscal Year 2024 FWWA Annual Report

. One Milestone at a Time

Canceled the Navigator carbon pipeline in the Midwest The massive Heartland Greenway was to be a 1,300-mile carbon pipeline spanning parts

Suspending the outrageously

dangerous Trump bomb train rule is a welcome relief to the communi- ties that would have turned into sacrifice zones in the name of fossil fuel industry profits. — Matt Smith, New Jersey State Director

of South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, and Illinois.

Carbon pipelines are part of carbon capture schemes used by dirty energy companies to greenwash their operations. You’ve been the backbone of our years of organizing against this project, which brought together a broad coalition of grassroots groups.




Won new water pollution control rules for slaughterhouses Together, we compelled the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to propose new water pollution control stan- dards for slaughterhouses and rendering facilities. Following lawsuits from Food & Water Watch and our allies, the EPA’s new rules could prevent at least 100 million pounds per year of water pollution by strengthen- ing or imposing standards on just a fraction of the country’s approximately 5,000 slaughter- houses and rendering facilities.

We’re happy to see EPA take this long overdue first step towards cleaning up one of the nation’s dirt- iest industries. For too long, corporate meat giants have profited from under-regulated water pollution — often in communities also burdened by those same companies’ factory farms. — Dani Replogle, Attorney


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