Winter seems specifically designed to make your skin dry and flaky. You must contend with cold air, low humidity levels, and dry furnace heat. Fortunately, there are things you can do to fight back. Here are some expert tips on having the softest skin possible during the upcoming cold months — without spending a fortune. Our skin consists of several layers, but we can only see the stratum corneum. It has to be tough to protect the other layers against outside threats. The stratum corneum also acts as a barrier, preventing the 60% of our bodies that is water from evaporating into thin air. But when skin is damaged or overwashed, or when the air is insufficiently humid, moisture escapes and causes dry skin. So, increasing the humidity around you is one of the best ways to keep your skin from turning into sandpaper. An inexpensive humidifier will do wonders, particularly at night while you sleep.
It won’t completely solve the problem, but it’s a good start. It also has the bonus of keeping your eyes, nose, and mouth less dry. Moisturizer is crucial to reducing itchy and flaky dry skin, but it’s also essential to moisturize correctly. Thicker lotions work better on dry skin, so find one that doesn’t come in a pump bottle. Ideally, you should be able to hold the jar upside down without the moisturizing cream falling out. Additionally, try to apply lotion immediately after your shower; it’s the best way to seal in the moisture. Speaking of showers, it might be time to give up the long, hot kind. They might feel great, but they strip away the natural oil in your skin that prevents it from drying out. Keep your showers short and use warm water instead of hot. You also don’t want to overdo it with scrubbing or soaps. Treat your skin gently and use moisturizing shower products.
Finally, if dry skin does catch up with you, stay calm and avoid scratching. Resisting instant relief is difficult, but scratching will only damage and dry the skin more. Further, research shows scratching doesn’t even work — it only makes you itchier. Applying a thick moisturizer should do the trick for most itches, and you can use a cold pack for the most persistent ones. This step will take willpower, but your skin will thank you later.
Roasted Pork Loin With Apples Inspired by MomFoodie.com Ingredients
• 4 lbs pork loin • 2 tsp garlic powder • 2 tsp salt, divided • 1 tsp black pepper
• 8 apples • 2 red onions • 3 garlic cloves • 1 tbsp brown sugar
• 2 tbsp olive oil • 2 tsp cinnamon • 3 tbsp butter, softened
1. In a large bowl, season pork loin with garlic powder, 1 1/2 tsp salt, and pepper, then cover and place in refrigerator for 30 minutes. 2. Preheat oven to 425 F. 3. Slice apples and onions, then chop garlic cloves. Season with brown sugar, olive oil, remaining salt, and cinnamon. 4. In a 9x13-inch baking dish, place a layer of apples and onions in the pan, put pork loin on top, then place remaining apples and onions around it. 5. Break butter into small pieces and place them on the pork loin and apples. Place dish in oven and let it bake for 15 minutes. 6. Reduce the heat to 350 F, then continue to bake for 60 minutes. 7. Remove dish and stir apples and onions. 8. Increase heat to 450 F, put dish in oven, and roast for an additional 8–10 minutes.
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