Choice PT: Hip, Knee and Leg Pain

Patient Success Spotlight

Do You Have Joint Pain?

“I came in with knee soreness and we worked on the underlying problem in the hip. The result was that my knee got much better, and the rotation of my hip was greatly corrected. The hip glitch that I would once in a while feel has not returned either. Joe and Sarah were fantastic to work with, until Joe starts singing that is! Seriously great diagnostic evaluations and great treatment modalities.” – E.S. Joe and Sarah were fantastic to work with, until Joe starts singing that is!

Congratulations Sarah, Tom, and Cody!

2. If you could drop what you were doing right now and do anything you wanted, what would it be? a. Fly to the Florida Keys. b. Go kayaking. c. Cure all terminal illnesses. 3. If you could change lives with one celebrity, who would it be? a. Justin Timberlake

June15thmarksour thirdyear inbusiness,andaround this time of year I often reflect on the many blessings we’ve had to get us to where we are at today. Hands down, our amazing staff comes to mind!! Time surely does fly and we are thankful for the hard work from Sarah, Tom and Cody, who celebrated their 2nd and 1st work anniversaries with us in May! We are so very proud of our PT’s and I personally love observing their growth and abilities to help each of their patients. Play along below to learn more from our fun PT trivia :) Guess which therapist answered each response to the questions below: 1.What isonethingthatnoonewouldknowaboutyou? a. I never drink coffee. b. I was President of Marist College’s Chapter of Habitat for Humanity, and loved it! c. I do not like ketchup.

b. Jimmy Fallon c. Ryan Reynolds

Until next time, Erin : )

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