3n tlfta Msm
EASTER and th e BIBLE B. B. Sutcliffe
M OD ERN CR U C IF IX ION Herbert Lockyer R ISEN W IT H CHR IST Harvey Farmer
BEGGARM AN (Story) Grace Livingston Hill
iimtitj (EljnBtian Home Number THREE A LTAR S AM ER ICA M U ST BU ILD Cortland Myers
EXPERIENCES W IT H REAL BOYS A Successful Teacher o f Adolescents
“ Take from our souls the strain and stress; And let our ordered lives confess The beauty o f Thy
Photo by
Adelbert Bartlett
Launching Life Boat at Pacific Palisades A broad fawn-colored sandy beach stretches along the coast highway at Pacific Palisades. Se a bathing, boating, and fishing on this convenient strand will be among the most popular sports for the young people during the Bible Conference of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Lo s A n g e l e s County lifeguards patrol this beach twenty-four hours daily. FIRST SUMMER BIBLE CONFERENCE of the B I BLE I NST I TUTE OF LOS A N G E L E S Pacific Palisades Assembly Grounds, Near Santa Monica,Calif., Aug. lOtoSept. 2,1935
Plans are rapidly maturing for the Bible conference, announced in the KING’S BUSINESS last month, to be held under the auspices of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, August 10 to September 2. A busy committee, of which William G. Nyman, Treasurer of the Institute, is the chairman, is at work on program features which will appeal to Christian people everywhere. THE SPEAKERS Louis T. Talbot, President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and Pastor of the Church of the Open Door—whose church is cooperating in this conference—plans to be present at all the meetings. Arthur I. Brown, M.D., writer, preacher, and popular speaker on scientific and prophetic subjects, will be heard in stirring addresses on favorite themes. Dr. Brown’s message appeals strongly to young people of university age. Elbert L. McCreery, Vice-President and Dean of the Bible Institute, will add scholarly studies on important Bible topics. With years of experi ence as a missionary, as a pastor, and as a Bible Institute instructor, Dr. McCreery is able to speak with authority on many subjects. Henry C. Thiessen, Professor of New Testament Literature and Exegesis, Evangelical Theological College, Dallas, Tex., will be welcomed for his clear exposition of the Word. Other speakers have been invited, and are now endeavoring to arrange their schedules in order to be/present at Pacific Palisades. Among these leaders are Mr. Mitchell, of Portland, Ore., and Mr. Lowry, of Chicago, 111. Jack Mitchell, known as the founder of hundreds of Bible classes in the Pacific Northwest, possesses a wealth of experience gained in the organiza tion and teaching of these classes. Oscar Lowry, author and Bible teacher, has helped many people—young and old—to memorize God’s Word. His simple, workable plan is popular everywhere. DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL One of the chief attractions of the Bible conference will be the Daily Vacation Bible School, which will be directed by an expert in that field. With a full corps of trained teachers and workers, the school will convene each morning. While J their boys and girls
left free for recreation, for which there are many facilities convenient to the assembly grounds. Ocean bathing —within a mile and a half of the Conference Grounds. A hike down the beautiful Temescal Canyon brings one to the ocean front. Bath houses are conveniendy near. Lifeguard protection is afforded at all hours. Fishing —by line from the beach, or from the barges anchored off the coast, or from the numerous fishing boats that journey daily to and from the fishing grounds. Boating —in the still waters of Santa Monica Harbor, two miles up the bathing beach, easily reached by bus service along the ocean highway. Biding —miles of winding trails through the Santa Monica mountains. Riding academy is conveniendy located within a mile of the assembly grounds. Arrangements can be made to have car call for riders and bring them back after the ride. Golf —at the Municipal Golf Course at Clover Field, within four miles of the assembly grounds. Motoring —to many points of interest. Numerous tours may be arranged, with Pacific Palisades as a convenient center. The Ocean Front Highway, which extends from San Diego through Northern California, passes by the assembly grounds. Beverly Boulevard gives easy access to Los Angeles. One- day tours to Santa Catalina Island, Santa Barbara, or San Diego—the scene of the California Pacific International Exposition—may easily be arranged. LOCATION OF THE CONFERENCE GROUNDS No more beautiful or convenient spot could have been selected than the parked and shaded grounds of the Pacific Palisades Assembly. Old oaks and sycamores spread leafy arms over a tumbling mountain stream that winds from the mountains to the sea. On the left bank of the stream, a great audi torium, half hidden by foliage, is located on a convenient hillside; while casitas, tent houses, cabins, rustic classrooms, a large restaurant building, and a gymnasium are spaced at intervals along the winding canyon floor. Yet all this isolation is located within twenty-one miles of busy Los Angeles. REASONABLE HOUSING ACCOMMODATIONS For a family of two, a ten-day vacation in one of the floored tents, including light, water, gas, blankets, linen, and housekeeping equipment, means an outlay of only $11.50. For twenty-one days, the rate would be $20.50. If three persons be included for the ten-day period, the cost is only $14.50; and for the twenty-one day period, $26.00. The only additional expenses would be the purchasing of provisions, as the tents are fully equipped for housekeeping. If preferred, reasonable meals may be obtained at the near-by cafe or local restaurant. There are, of course, more elaborate accommodations, including rustic casitas and artistically furnished cabins, at slightly higher prices. INFORMATION GLADLY FURNISHED If you desire that full information regarding reservations, program, and other features of the conference shall be sent to you, mail the coupon.
are thus happily en gaged, parents will be free to attend other meetings. Each day will begin with a sunrise service, to be followed by teaching and preaching sessions in the large audi torium. RECREATION As far as possible, the afternoons will be
BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Dear Friends: Please send full inform ation about the First Summer Bible Conference held under the auspices of the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles.
• “It isHis
Comandment; Ihave iochoice”
ïïht Sidle Tamil# titta^ine M otto: “ Unto him that loved, us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood ."— R ev . 1 :5.
Volume X X V I
April, 1935
Number 4
• So reads a recent letter. And the writer went on to say how deep ly the Lord has burned into his heart the conviction o f his duty and privilege toward Israel. This con viction, furthermore, he had expe rienced only after faithful study of God’s Word, not from man’s opin ions, but only from the revealed teaching o f the sacred page itself. 9 And it has been this soul-con viction of hundreds o f the most consecrated and faithful of His followers, that has made possible the world-wide reach of the Gospel testimony of the American Board of Missions to the Jews. 9 Dear reader, can you afford to say No when God has said Yes? You do know that concerning the Jew He has told you, “that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy.” Romans 11:31. As a true child o f God, born again by virtue of His blood shed for you at Cal vary, have you really any choice when He has once commanded? 9 And may we offer you the fel lowship of the ever-lasting fam ily circle of the dear ones who hold us up in prayer and gift day by day, in behalf o f that people which are to God as the apple of His eye ? It’s a good fellowship, and we think you’ll be happy you joined yourself to us. A t least isn’t it worth try ing just once? 9 Our work still merits your every confidence. It is a program of world-wide Gospel testimony to the Jews. Y o u r fellowship in prayer and gift is always welcomed and appreciated. THE CHOSEN PEOPLE is of course sent to all contributors. American Board of Missions to the Jews Inc. 31 Throop Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Around the King’s Table— Louis T. Talbot........ .............................122 Easter and the Bible— B. B. Sutciiffe..................................................123 Modern Crucifixion— Herbert Lockyer.................................................124 “ Risen with Christ”— Harvey Farmer.................................................126 Beggarman—Grace Livingston Hill.................................................... 128 f Socialism, Communism, Fascism: “ Three Unclean Spirits like Frogs”— Louis S. Bauman.......................................................131 Our Literature Table..........•. ....................................................................135 Bible Institute Family Circle.... ............. .............................................. 136 Junior King’s Business—Martha S, Hooker......................................137 International Lesson Commentary......................................................... 139 Notes on Christian Endeavor—-Mary G. Goodner.............................148 Helps for Preachers and Teachers— Paul Prichard......................... 152 Daily Devotional Readings......................................................................155
TERMS: Single Copies.............................................. 15c Annual Subscription.........................................................$1.50 Two-year subscription or two annualsubscriptions. 2.50 Five annual subscriptions.................................................5.00 Eleven annual subscriptions...........................................10.00 Subscriptions in countries outside ofU. S. require 25c extra. REMITTANCE: Should be made by Bank Draft, Ex press or P. O. Money Order, payable to "Bible Institute of Los Angeles." Beceipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please send both old and new address at least one month previous to date of de sired change.
ADVERTISING: For Information with reference to advertising in THE KING'S BUSINESS, address the ADVERTISING MANAGER, 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIF., or our eastern representative. Religious Press Association, 825 North 18th Street, Philadelphia. Pa., or 833 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Entered as Second Class Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles. California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro vided for in Section 1103, Act of October 8, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. MANUSCRIPTS: THE KING’S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration.
POLICY AS DEFINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES (a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Christian work, (d) To make the Bible Institute of Los Angeles known, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great foundations of Christian faith.
Ask for our free booklet > “ Jewish Mission Annuity Bonds”
558 So. Hope St., BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Lo, Angeles, California
April, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
c Around the King’s Tabltj By Louis T . T albot
the dead, those, prophecies are not true. But if Christ is risen, the prophecies are fulfilled. Because of Christ’s resurrection, we may rely absolutely upon the infallibility of the Word o f God. Think what this assurance means. Think o f all the promises that are in the Bible. But how do we know that we may rely upon the truth o f them? Can we safely use them as a staff o f support in times of trouble? The resurrection o f Christ gives us our answer. In the resurrection, the Word o f God is fulfilled. And, in the resurrection, proof is given that all o f the Word of God is absolutely true. Third, the resurrection gives assurance of the sufficiency of the atoning work o f Christ to meet all our demerit and sin—to meet all our obligations to God. Before Jesus died, He took the cup in His hand and said: “ This is my blood . . . which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” How do we know that God would accept that‘sacrifice as being
Four Benefits of the Resurrection T h i s m o n t h there comes to our minds the thought of the darkest day and the gladdest day o f all the ages. The darkest day was that one when Christ was crucified. The very heavens wrapped themselves in midnight mourn ing. The creation was rent asunder as though its heart burst in mute grief. The Son o f God, the Creator, was put to death by the creature. He was laid in Joseph’s tomb, and the seal of human government was placed upon it. Had that seal remained unbroken, and had the tomb kept its prey, death would have been to every man an endless disembodiment, an eternal separation from God. Sin, hell, and death would have been triumphant. But, thank God, that darkest day was followed by the day o f greatest gladness. Gloom was lost in resurrection glory. Death caniiot keep his prey— Jesus, my Saviour, He tore the bars away- Jesus, my Lord!
adequate to meet the requirements of a broken law? The resurrection is our answer. In the market squares o f the Orient, merchants display their articles for sale. The purchaser lays down the price beside something that he desires. The moment the merchant lifts the price, the sale is made. The act is an indication that the price lifted has been accepted. A t the cross, Christ laid down His life. On the third day, God lifted the price. Thus it is that we can say in the words o f another, “ When Christ was crucified, the law was magnified, justice was satisfied, sin was nullified, God was glorified, and the sinner was justified.” Fourth, the resurrection assures
: “ Now hath Christ been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of them that are asleep.” And because He lives, we shall live also. What does the resurrection mean to us ? What does it guarantee ? First, the resurrection settles the question : Who is Christ ? The Lord Jesus Christ claimed to be God mani fest in the flesh. He dared to say: “ He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” He said also: “ I am the way, the truth, and the life : no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Further, He declared : “ If ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.” His word to those who re jected Him was: “ Whither I go, ye cannot come,” Jesus Christ made the
( S t i r i s i ------- THE LORD By HERBERT G. TOVEY
In my place He died; He was crucified. Full atonement on that day; All the price my Lord did pay. He arose! He lives!
Power supreme He gives. He is everything to me; Lord of all eternity.
us of life after death. Christ says to those who trust in H im : “ Because I live, ye shall live also.” Have you recently looked into the silent face o f a loved one who has died “ in Christ” ? Perhaps you have lost a kind mother, a de voted father, a good wife, a faithful husband, a darling child. The day is coming when the grave that holds your loved one will burst asunder. How do we know? What assurance have we for making such a bold statement ? Our answer is in the resurrection o f Christ. Christ is “ the firstfruits o f them that are asleep.” He said: “ Except a corn o f wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.” I once counted on a cob of corn two hundred grains—all produced from a single grain that had fallen into the ground and died. By faith I see in the glory a great multitude which no man can number, saved not merely spiritually, but physically as well. Whence come they ? How was the resurrection of their bodies brought about ? The answer is that Christ died, that He rose from the dead, and because He lives, the graves that hold a great multitude are unlocked, and they come forth in resurrection glory with bodies like unto His glorious body.— L. T . T.
eternal destiny o f every man and every woman depend upon personal relation to Himself. And as proof that these things were true and that Jesus Christ was what He said He was, God raised His body from the grave, thus demon strating the truth of all o f Christ’s claims. Paul says He was “ declared to be the Son of God . . . by the resurrection from the dead.” The resurrection proves that Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh and the only Saviour. Where is Buddha today ? He is held in the bonds of death. Wjiere is Mohammed ? Where is Confucius ? Their bodies have long since mingled with the dust o f the earth, as has the body o f every founder o f a human religion. But where is Christ? He is risen from the dead, and in His glorified body He sits at the right hand o f God. Second, the resurrection declares the truth of the Word of God. Hundreds o f years before Christ was born, the Word o f God prophesied that He would come, live, die, and rise again from the dead. This truth is distinctly stated in the Sixteenth Psalm and in the many other portions of the Old Testament. Psalm 16 says : “ For thou wilt not leave my soul to Sheol ; Neither wilt thou suffer thy holy one to see corruption,” and the passage unmistakably refers to Christ (cf. Acts 2:25-27). If Christ is not risen from
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
April, 1935
2:18-22). As far as the record goes, this was the only sign Christ ever offered to His enemies in sub stantiation o f His claims. His ene mies never forgot this declaration, and they did what they could to prove Him false. To make the sep ulcher of Christ as secure as pos sible against the fulfillment o f the sign, they procured from Pilate a
} a s t e r — the crown of all the _ . festivals o f C h r is t ia n it y ! Easter is the great day which pro claims that the church rests upon the solid foundation 0 / the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Year by year the recur rence of the day recalls the fact that Jesus Christ was crucified and yet He lives. So great is its mean
guard of soldiers to watch the tomb, which was sealed with the seal o f the Roman government (cf. Matt. 2 7 :62-66). To strengthen the faith o f His disciples and to prepare them for the unique event o f His physical resurrection, our Lord assured them seven times over that He would rise from the dead. Unlike His enemies, His disciples evi dently forgot what He had told them, as the subsequent history reveals. Hence, if Jesus Christ did not rise from the dead in a physical sense, if His body disappeared in some mysterious manner, or if it was a spiritual resurrection only, then His words are proved untrue and He stands convicted o f false hood, whether uttered in ignorance or with deliberate in tent to deceive. If Jesus Christ was untrustworthy, the preaching o f the gospel is a vain pursuit; the preachers of that gospel are false in their proclamation of the good news; the faith o f Christians is a pagan superstition and they are yet in their sins: those who have died are now perished; and the living Christians are. of all people upon earth the most miserable ( c f . 1 Cor. 15 :12-19). But the efforts of Christ’s enemies to prove His words untrue have only resulted in more fully establishing the trustworthiness o f His claims. The best attested fact of history is that which Easter celebrates, that is, the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. And the reality o f that resurrection is the.one grand proof that He spoke the truth when He said He would rise again. I n s p i r a t i o n o f t h e O l d T e s t a m e n t The inspiration o f the Old Testament stands or falls with the fact o f the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The apostles enforced their preaching by quoting from the Old Testament many passages predicting this great event. Paul at Antioch of Pisidia three times over mentions the resurrection o f Christ as promised in the Old Testament. He declares that the promise made afore time had been fulfilled “ in that he [God] hath raised up [Continued on page 133]
ing, and so glorious its promise;' that even the world has adopted it and dates the emergence from winter’s gloom into the sunshine o f the spring by the grand Easter festival. The importance of Easter to the Bible cannot be over estimated. The church has turned to the Bible for her be liefs ; in her creeds she states herj}elief s derived from a consideration of the entire Bible. (The heart o f the Bible for the church is found in the Person and work of Jesus Christ. Without Him, the Book is a mere collection of moral teachings, a system o f ethics, or a philosophy of religion. The importance of His physical resurrection is re vealed when we remember that while other truths concern ing Him are more or less vital, the certainty o f His physical resurrection is absolutely essential because upon that fact all other tiuths depend. Hence, if the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ is not a fact, all the rest oLjthe Bible is ren dered useless as an authoritative WorcQ V e r a c i t y o f J e s u s C h r i s t The veracity of Jesus Christ depends upon His physical resurrection. Early in His public ministry, the Lord Jesus entered the temple at Jerusalem and found there certain in dividuals who desecrated its sacred precincts by their com mercial activities, turning the house o f God into a den of thieves, as Christ declared. He therefore made a scourge o f cords and drove these buyers and sellers forth from the temple. The leaders o f the people immediately challenged His right and asked Him for a sign which would prove His claims to be true. In answer to this challenge, He said: “ Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” The Holy Spirit is careful to make clear that the Lord meant His coming physical resurrection, for the account continues: “ He spake of the temple o f his body” (cf. John *Bible teacher, conference speaker, and author of the expositional notes on the Sunday-school lessons published in the K in g ’ s B u s in e s s .
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
April, 1935
Modem CRUCIFIXION i B y HERBERT LOCKYER Liverpool, England
" There they crucified him." . O n e peculiarity o f the Bi ble is its power to con compass. What other realms of literature take volumes to ex press; Scripture can reduce to short, terse phrases. Here is a case in point, where the great est fact in history is reduced by Luke to four plain words— “ there they crucified him.” Such a statement tells us, sim ply and definitely, what hun dreds o f books have tried to declare. And each word in the
They ^ — - It is perfectly true that both Jew and Gentile had a hand in the dark crime o f the cross, thus bringing the whole world to be guilty o f Christ’s death. It was Pilate, a Gen tile ruler, who gave the verdict and committed, Jesus to the tree. It was a Gentile’s death He died. Gentile soldiers car ried out the grim work o f killing the spotless Lamb o f God. But let it not be forgotten that these Gentiles were only tools. Pilate, a heathen ruler, tried to save Christ from His cruel-hearted kinsmen. And so the foul deed is laid at the feet o f the Jews, not Gentiles. Listen to Peter on the day o f Pentecost: “ Ye men of Israel, . . . Jesus o f Nazareth . . . . ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain.” No wonder these Pharisees, scribes, and rulers were pricked to the heart! And trulj we are in the presence o f a great mystery here, for it was these devout religious leaders o f a profes sedly holy nation who were guilty o f Christ’s shameful death. Those who were so exact and particular about the law, the worship o f the temple, who even rebuked Christ for His seeming desecration o f the sabbath— these were the men who crucified Him. He was not surrounded by a furious mob or a horde o f wild, uncivilized men, thirsting for His blood, but rejected, hounded to death, beaten and bruised and brbken by so-called holy men. Oh, can we realize that the people among whom He came, whose nationality He took, were the very men who gloated over His cruel death! And yet, strange though it may sound, we are living in days when such a dark crime is being repeated, for Jesus is being wounded in the house of His friends. His foes are still within His household. Base, coarse, brutal men, sunken in sin, admire Jesus when brought face to face with His claims. Under the preaching o f His cross, they often fall at His pierced feet in love and submission, rising to live transformed lives, becoming beau tiful by His grace. No, it is not the wayward and godless vriio crucify Him afresh, but they within the household o f the church. Those who are professedly religious— such despise Christ’s claims and hurry Him out to Calvary. Ministers and laymen, too, who are modernists, must be included among His murder ers. They may deny it, but the declaration is true. When leaders o f religious thought treat Jesus as they do, rele gating Him to the place o f ordinary humanity, denying His miraculous birth, His sinlessness, His powers o f deity, do they not continue the crime and cry o f the Pharisees— “ Crucify him” ? But let us come nearer to our own hearts. Do we realize that it is sadly possible to add to the wounds o f Jesus? Whenever we slight Him, disobey His voice, act contrary to His wishes, then we pierce our precious Lord anew. Whenever we spurn the entreaty o f the Holy Spirit within, thereby grieving Him, we hurt Jesus as well. W e can fas ten Him to the cross with the nails o f self-love, self-glory, self-pride, self-righteousness— those most bitter o f all nails! Oh, let us add to His pleasure, not His pain!
dense great truth into small
sentence glitters like a pearl upon the necklace o f truth. There — The most privileged place, Jerusalem, the Holy City. They-^rThe most religious people, the Jews, the chosen of God. Crucified — The most shameful punishment, the ex treme limit o f the Roman law. Him —-The most exalted Person, Jesus, the Son of God. Let us examine these words under the guidance o f Him who caused them to be written in all their charming brevity. There , ------------- It is important to notice where our Lord was crucified. It was at Jerusalem, just outside the city. Jerusalem was called the “ Most Holy City,” seeing that the temple was therein, where the nation gathered for worship. Thither the Jews assembled, for Jerusalem localized the presence of God. “ In Jerusalem is the place where men ought to wor ship.” It was here that our Lord was crucified. He was not thought fit to die within the city, and thus died out side the wall. Yet the fact remains that Jesus was slain, and hanged upon a tree within the environs o f the city called “ holy.” But what a contradiction! The holiest Person dying the most unholy death in earth’s most holy place! And Christ is being crucified afresh in the world’s so-called holy places of worship! There are churches and temples reared by man, where worshipers gather to worship God, but not His Son, for therein He is not honored, loved, trusted, followed, or accepted as the Lord o f Glory. Christ is sometimes pierced from pulpits— His Golgotha is among the gowns; His Calvary is in a church. It is in many so- called holy places, where least expected, that He hears the old cry, “ We will not have this man to reign over us.” The dark tragedy o f Calvary is being re-enacted in these apostate days within the precincts o f the church. Jesus re ceives His deepest wounds where He expects the deepest sympathy. And let us remember that our homes and busi nesses are privileged places, if we profess to love and serve the Lord. Therefore, let us strive as blood-washed ones not to wound our Lord anew therein. [Mr. Lockyer is at present in Bible conference work in Amer ica. — E ditor .]
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
April, 1935
faultlessness; o f the centurion’s declaration as to His right eousness! Yet in cold blood the Jews crucified Him— the spotless Lamb, the Lord o f Glory. What a mystery! And yet so majestic was He, that as they slay Him, He returns good for evil, by praying for the forgiveness of His murderers. And when after His resurrection He commis sioned His disciples to be witnesses unto Him, He told them to begin at Jerusalem! What grace! In the suppos edly holy place where the supposedly holy people had cru cified Him—begin there! And, blessed be His name, His grace is unchanged, for
Crucified -------------- With usage we have lost the horror associated with this shameful, despicable word in the writings o f the New Tes tament. T o die Jews, crucifixion was a horrible, ignoble end, seeing that a cross meant the extreme limit o f punish ment, as execution does with us. As we would speak with bated breath if one in our family had been made to die upon the gallows, so crucifixion carried a terrible stigma with it. Why, it is impossible to depict the shame, ignominy, agony, and heartbreak such a death must have meant both to Jesus and to His loved ones'
the greater^ your sin a g a i n s t Him, t h e greater His mercy to ward you. His love never alters, although outraged and rejected. The very One you heartlessly d e s p i s e stands ready to for give and cleanse you. Although you h a v e spurned Him a thou sand times, He waits to save your precious soul. The hand you helped to nail to the tree is now lovingly knocking a t y o u r heart’s door. I f Jesus is still on the cross in so far as you are concerned, de spised and rejected and unwanted, t a k e Him down. Instead of cruel piercings, give Him your h e a r t ’ s
Crucified — dragged out; beaten with cords; nailed to a gibbet, naked and bleeding; hung up between heaven and earth to die a bitter, lingering, painful death! No wonder the natural sun hid its face, thus flooding the world with darkness, although it was the
Crucified A fresh S N A T C H IN G fiercely at the royal garments of Christ's deity, as though to tear them from His gracious form, so-called Christian ministers, with tragic zeal, urge forward the mob that would crucify the Lord afresh. When one of the most popular preachers in America— a man of learning and wide influence— de clares that it makes little practical difference whether Jesus sprang from the very heart of the eternal God as the only begotten Son, or whether He sprang from the racial stock with which He identified Himself as the Son of Man, the thorns of base denial are pressed anew into the flesh of the Saviour's holiness. When a teacher of theological students dares to say that "we may feel that it is highly improbable that so great and powerful a religious movement as Christianity should be founded upon an illusion; but even so, we cannot use the Resurrection for absolute proof of immortality, as the apostles did; it is itself, for us, something need ing to be proved," the nails of doubt are driven with heavy blows into the hands of the Crucified. When a prominent church leader of another continent publicly suggests that "Jesus Christ was a tremendous failure," the spearpoint of rationalism, lacking faith, makes a deep wound. Calvary is modern. The mob is there. The enemies are there. W ho weeps at the cross? Whose heart is melted with love for the Lord?
noontide hour. It was too awful a sight for creation to see the Creator dy ing in nakedness, s h a m e , and an guish; thus it pro vided Him with a robe o f darkness. Crucified! Ah,
He is still crucified, .or, as the W o r d puts it, “ crucified a fr e s h .” E v e r y time we turn away from Jesus, despise His mercy, resist H i s S p i r i t , we hurry Him to the cross o f rejection. Every time we yield to the devil, we crown the beautiful brow o f Jesus with more cruel, piercing thorns. But is one such terrible death n o t sufficient ? Is one Ca l v a r y not enough? Has Jesus not borne plenty, without the addition o f more grief and pain? When you drown the voice of conscience, and silence the inner call o f God, then in reality you are slaying the Son o f God afresh. When He presents Himself for your choice, all your passions and desires rise, crying, “ Crucify Him.” And the tragedy is that all too often you are on the side o f those forces, insisting upon the expulsion o f Christ from your life. The voices o f them, and of the chief priests prevailed, we read. And thus is it with many a sinner; the siren voices o f the world, the flesh, and the devil prevail over the inner voice of the Holy Spirit, as He urges the will to release Jesus, giving Him the throne o f the life. Him . ------------' All o f us can understand the death of the two thieves, for, on their own word, they received the due reward of their deeds ; but why should Jesus, the holiest and loveliest and divinest One who ever lived among men, die such a brutal death ? Think o f His own testimony— “ Which of you convinceth me o f sin ?” o f Pilate’s confession as to His
love! Say to Him in deep peni tence, “ Thou crucified Saviour, now living to save me, forgive and deliver my soul. Come, bury Thyself deep in my heart.” You shall not need to wait long for the divine answer. True to His Word, while you are yet speaking, the Lord will hear. And before your prayer is finally offered, this blessed Redeemer will enter your life and make you His own. The Resurrection Foreshadowed Resurrection was definitely foreshadowed in Isaac. Abraham himself built the altar. And Calvary was built by God— an altar for the Lamb slain from the foundation o f the world. From the moment his father’s will was re vealed, Isaac murmured not. And the Lord Jesus Christ, divinely aware of the Father’s purpose, “ opened not his mouth” (Isa. 53 :7 ). Did a corpse step from Abraham’s altar? Did a spirit issue from it? No, in Isaac’s case, body, soul, and spirit were committed to the altar; and body, soul, and spirit— a complete man and the same man—Abraham “ received him back.” Following His resurrection, the Lord Jesus could say: “ It is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have” (Lk. 24 :39). Later, Isaac “ died, and was gathered unto his people” . (Gen. 3 5 :29). But Christ is “ alive for evermore” (Rev. 1 :18).— S e l e c t e d .
April, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
“ 'Risen With Christ” B y HARVEY FARMER* Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
daughters o f the heavenly Father, in whose incarnate Son dwelleth all the fullness o f the Godhead bodily. The muni ficence o f His grace toward us is seen in that He gives us to share His fullness and in Him to be made complete. His life is our life, as the Word declares : “ Christ is our life.” H id d e n i n t h e F o u n t a i n o f L if e He is not only its Infinite Source, and its Inexhaustible Sustenance, but also its Incorruptible Substance. As the Holy Spirit is ungrieved and unhindered by disobedience or distrust, we shall be abiding in closest communion with Him who is the Fountain o f L ife ; and as the channel o f communication is kept continuously at that Infinite Source o f Essential Being, the rivers o f living water will ever prove inexhaustibly sustaining for oùr own spiritual vital ity, and will perennially flow forth from our inmost soul to the meeting o f the need o f thirsty ones everywhere. W e shall have also an abiding consciousness that His indwell ing means He is the Incorruptible Substance of our spirit ual being, and that our lives are hid with Christ in God. How wonderful that H e should love so dearly those whom He has redeemed as to count them such a treasure as to be kept safe within the double rampart o f deity! Dwelling deep in Him, we grow like Him more and more, separated from all that is contrary to His mind and message, so that the Holy Spirit’s presence may be evidenced by His trans forming and triumphant power in our lives— that like as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory o f the Father, even so we also should walk in newness o f life. Oh, the blessedness o f our union with Him in His risen life, which makes Him such a living, bright Reality, and makes us concerned to walk worthy o f Him unto all pleas ing ! W e shall thus be enabled, by His grace, to pursue our way and to prosecute our work in the power o f His vir tuous and victorious life. He will keep us free from the enticements o f this passing age and ever burdened for the unsaved and their needs. So shall we be to the praise o f His glory who died for our sins according to the Scriptures,
W e l l may we sing unto the Lord with exulting hearts, for He hath triumphed gloriously at the place called no sin, that we might become the righteousness o f God in Him. His vicarious victory over all the powers o f darkness and death was authenticated and sealed by His resurrec tion and ascension. The outcome affords convincing con firmation that He is the eternal Son o f the everlasting Fa ther, and gives irrefutable assurance that His substitution ary sacrifice for sin has satisfied every claim o f God’s jus tice and vindicated every demand o f God’s holiness. But do we fully realize that He who so loved us and loosed us from our sins by His blood is our Resurrection and our Life ? W e who have been born again from above died with Him on the cross, and so also have we literally and logic ally risen with Him. W e therefore share His risen life and may know in daily experience the power of His resurrection. S h a r i n g t h e V e r y L i f e o f t h e R i s e n O n e With these precious truths before us, let us turn to Colossians at the third chapter and read the first four verses. In the preceding passage, the apostle, under the in spiration o f the Holy Spirit, has dealt with the believer’s union with Christ in His death, and now he is dealing with the identification o f the believer with the Lord Jesus in His life. Just as the trusting soul died with Christ and ceased to be what He once was, so, risen with Christ, he has be come what He once was not. Heaven’s own glory crowns our joy in God who has begotten us again to a living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and has given us to possess His own uncreated life. This was the magnificent purpose in the heart of God, hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to the saints to whom God would make known what is the riches o f the glory o f this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope o f glory. Only so could we be sons and
Calvary, where He was made sin for us, though He knew
*North Africa Mission.
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
April, 1935
tive toward the brethren. This “ love is very patient, very kind; it knows no jealousy; it makes no parade; gives itself no airs, is never rude, never selfish, never irritated, never resentful.” This “ love is never glad when others go wrong; it is gladdened by goodness, always slow to expose, always eager to believe the best, always hopeful, always patient.” Therefore follow after, seek strenuously, such light and such love, that our profiting may appear and appeal to all, that they may know assuredly we are among those who have risen with Christ. T h in k in g on the H eavenly P lane In the second place, since we share the risen life of Christ, we are to set not so much our affections as our minds upon the things that are above and not on the things upon the earth. Please note an important change in the word used. It is necessary to “ seek” certain things upon the earth which have to be faced in the sphere o f our daily calling. We can never afford to spoil our testimony by in efficiency or indolence. In the Epistle to Titus, the apostle instructs his “ son after the common faith” to exhort be lievers to be truly faithful and adorn the doctrine o f God their Saviour, even though they were slaves. How much more should this be exemplified in the lives o f us who are far more favorably circumstanced! In the realm o f the physical, our native sphere is earth, but in the realm o f the spiritual, we are risen with Christ in the heavenlies. It is possible only from that spiritual vantage ground to get a true perspective and to have a right perception o f things above and o f things below. Therefore we must not allow our minds and hearts to become engrossed or entangled in the affairs o f earth nor molded by its maxims and methods, seeing that we are strangers and pilgrims here, with our faces toward the sunrising! When the Holy Spirit’s fullness is our portion, this will be actualized in our daily walk and witness. It is therefore needful that our lives be under His complete control in
who was buried, and who rose again the third day accord ing to the Scriptures, as we take to heart the threefold ex perience which the apostle emphasizes in these opening verses o f Colossians 3. “ S eek . . . A bove ” In the first place, since we share the risen life o f Christ, we are to seek those things which are above. The message emphasizes the word o f the Lord Himself— “ Seek ye first the kingdom o f God, and his righteousness.” That word “ seek” carries the thought o f downright earnest aim and endeavor, so that it should be a burning passion with us— not half-hearted trifling, but whole-hearted thoroughness. This persistent pursuit is to be for those things which are above, where Christ is enthroned on the right hand o f God. Let us remind ourselves that God in the richness of His mercy and the greatness o f His love has made us to sit with Christ in the heavenlies, and that our citizenship is in heaven, from whence also we eagerly expect the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. As citizens o f that kingdom which is righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, we should hold lightly to the things o f time and sense, and let it be seen that though we are in the world, we are not o f it. The holy dignity o f our high calling will mark all our contacts and conversations with others. Nothing whatso ever is to be tolerated which would interfere with the great objective o f our risen life in Christ—to seek with divine intensity the things which are well-pleasing unto Him. What a highly privileged people we are, to be risen with Christ and to have found in Him— God’s unspeakable Gift — our inestimable Treasure! Where our Treasure is, there will our heart be also, and life for us will be on the heavenly plane and plan. The sanctuary, not the street, is the refec tory of the soul, and the Holy Spirit is willing to impart the grace o f patient persistence as we eagerly, earnestly, enthu siastically seek the things that are in harmony with God’s will and Word. W e shall love the things He loves and long
order to our being kept spirit ually minded and in the enjoy ment o f our risen Lord’s life and peace. This puts daily life and labor on a high level and calls for our utmost for God’s highest. T h e commonplace tasks will be done uncommonly well, and the routine o f the or dinary will be seen as royal service for our coming King. D welling in G od In order that our aims and ambitions may be consistently on the plane o f the Eternal and not o f the earth, our minds must be set upon whatsoever things are true, and honorable, and just, and pure, and lovely, and o f a good report, remem bering the solemn truth that as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. The measure o f my love to God will be determined by the measure and manner o f my thoughts o f Him. G o d ’ s thoughts are to usward and are more than can be numbered, but are ever for our good. [Continued on page 1S3]
to live as He lived, ever seek ing the lost, that they might find in Christ their Saviour and their Friend. Two o f the outstanding things which are above, where Christ is, are light and love— not one without the other, never the second without the first. These are not attributes o f God like justice and mercy, but they are Himself— His es sential Being— His essence, all divine— pure and penetrating, unsullied and unlimited. We can never enjoy the best bless ings o f His love if we do not welcome His light. Only in light is unclouded fellowship possible a n d unimpeachable testimony practicable as the lamp o f the body is brightly shining because it is full o f light, having no part dark. Our risen life in Christ will be marked by the manifestation of the light which is in all good ness and righteousness and truth, while, in the realm of love, our attitude will be nega tive toward the world and posi
April, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
Beggarman B y . GRACE LIVINGSTON HILL Illustrations by Ransom D. Marvin
Time: Middlemorning o f a sunny spring day. Place: Fifth Avenue.
I will try to go by myself. Just count the steps for me and say if the door is open, and I will not hinder you.” T he G irl (W ith sudden determination). “ No, I am not afraid, nor in haste. Come, we will go. Lay your hand on my arm. Now turn so— lift your foot. It is not a long flight— but you look ill—you are short o f breath! I do not think you ought to g o !” B lind B eggar (Determinedly). “ I g o !” T he G irl (Looking up ahead as they mount). “ There are beautiful carved bronze doors. It is a pity you cannot see them.” B lind B eggar (Eagerly). “ How are they, Lady, closed and fast?”•..V. T he G irl . “ N o , one is standing wide. A woman just came out looking as if she had been praying.” . B lind B eggar (Excitedly). “ Oh, then it is not too late!” T he G irl (Curiously). “ Why
h e a i r is drifting full o f the breath of hyacinths and daffodils from the near by flower shops. People are wearing spring blossoms in their buttonholes. A general atmosphere o f happiness and keen relish o f life is in the faces that pass. Around a corner a blind beggar creeps along, a look o f purpose in his sightless countenance, tapping labori ously ahead of him on the walk with a stout w o o d e n cane. Approaching
from the uptown direction comes a girl with glints o f gold in her hair, and a discontented look about her rather pretty mouth. She wears a rich but simple spring costume, and a large bunch o f fresh violets that match her eyes. She is not enjoying the spring sunshine nor the scent of the hyacinths. Her gaze is far away, straight over the head o f the blind beggar whom she notices no more than a mote in the sunshine. T he C ane . “ Tap! Tap! Tap! A hollow sound! Tap! T a p ! Steps to the right! Broad low steps! Many o f them! Yes, steps. Wide steps!” B lind B eggar (Pausing and swinging the cane to the right till it touches the rise o f the first step, then tapping along its edge). “ Yes, steps.” T he C ane (O n the walk again). “ Tap! Tap! A lady close at hand!” B lind B eggar (Looking up and listening). “ Lady, is this a church? Lady, will you help me up those steps? I am blind.” T he G irl (Shrinking back). “ Why do you want to go to church?” B lind B eggar . “ Because I have only another day to live. There are things that I must do.” T he G irl . “ How do you know that? You have not been condemned to death, have you ?” B lind B eggar . “ Condemned? Yes—condemned. Con demned to death; but not by the law o f the land.” T he G irl . “ I might die tomorrow, too. Anybody might. No one knows. But it isn’t likely.” B lind B eggar (Turning his sightless eyes impressively toward h er). “ There is a doctor down in the miserable hole where we herd at night. He told me I had twenty-four hours to live if I saved my strength. I have not salved my strength! It is going fast! I have come a long way since sunrise.” T he G irl . “ Your doctor was likely mistaken. I will call an ambulance. You should go to a hospital, not a church.” B lind B eggar . “ N o , the doctor was not mistaken. He was a famous doctor once, before he let go his grip on him self. He knows — and I know ! and I must go to the church before it is too late. I f you are afraid, Lady, or in haste, Copyright 1931 by American Bible Conference Association, Pub lishers o f Revelation, and 1932 by J. B. Lippincott Company.
are you so anxious to get to the church? It is much pleasanter out here in the sunshine. In there it is dark and cheerless.” B lind B eggar . “ Because I am a great sinner. It is for this cause I am blind and poor and a beggar. I have only a little time left. I f one could find God anywhere, it seems as if it ought to be in a church. Lady— I was not always blind and poor— and a beggar. I was once young and good and happy as you are.” T he G irl . “ I am not happy. I am not sure that I ’m so very good— !”
The Girl
B lind B eggar . “ Be happy and be good, then, while yet there is time. I started just that way one day,— and look at me n ow ! What whim o f fancy clouds your life ? Some priceless bauble you can’t have? Or does the round o f pleasure pall upon you? You are a child o f fortune, I ’ll be bound. One touch o f your soft sleeve tells me the tale. I know good cloth when I can touch it, yet,— though ’tis many years since any came my way. But why should one like you be unhappy? Are you blind? Are you a sin ner ? Are you dying tomorrow ?” T he G irl (Shuddering). “ Come, this is the last step and then we are within. Shall I lead you to a seat and leave you to rest awhile? I could find someone from the hospital and send him to you.” B lind B eggar -(Groping). “ So this is the house o f G od ! Let me touch the wall. How wide and high it seems! No, Lady, do not leave me yet. You are unhappy; stay, and find some healing for your trouble, too.” T he G irl . “ ’Tis not a matter with which to trouble a God. ’Tis only a poor man that I love, and one with money that I cannot love, and I a pawn between the two. ’Tis nothing, I suppose, beside the troubles of a universe.” B lind B eggar (Laughing bitterly to himself). “ Ha! H a ! ‘Rich man, poor man, beggarman, th ief!’ My son is a thief! W e have all the others down there where I ’ve been, — ‘Doctor, lawyer, merchant, chief’ ! The Chief o f Police!
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