King's Business - 1935-04

April, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S



Amorelle B y G race L ivin gsto n H ill

Word Studies in the Old Testament B y B. A. M. S ch apiro Any one interested in the study o f the Hebrew language or in rabbinical theol­ ogy and interpretation cannot but find con­ siderable matter o f particular interest in these studies. A knowledge o f Hebrew is not necessary to an understanding of the book, for the Hebrew texts that are used are translated into English. Mr. Schapiro brings to such studies a wealth of Jewish rabbinical lore as well as unquestioned scholarship in the field of Hebraic litera­ ture, and his brief word studies may be unhesitatingly commended. The author plans to bring out a number of other vol­ umes on the same subject. 28 pages. Bible House, New York. Paper. Price 50 cents. In this short series of six sermons, cov­ ering the six verses of the psalm, we have a splendid devotional study. Dr. McNeill’s quaint humor, easy running comment, and striking illustrations make delightful read­ ing. He reveals the gospel in the psalm and applies it personally in a way that comforts and cheers. 94 pages. Pickering & Inglis. Cloth. Price $1.00. A new devotional book by the author of With Him will be welcomed by many readers. Each of the thirty-one brief med­ itations of Miss Lindgren’s latest work breathes a delicate fragrance—the sweet­ ness that comes only through one’s yield­ ing to the will o f God in every crushing experience o f life. “In His presence,” the author has found strength for the trying hour, and into that same blessed presence the reader is consciously drawn as he reads this book. 166 pages. Bible Institute Col­ portage Association. Cloth. Price 75 cents. Twelve leading Bible teachers bring ex­ positions o f the many-sided truths con­ cerning future events. The light of the Word o f God is throughout the volume the guide to interpreting significant trends in w o r ld affairs. There is remarkably little overlapping of subject matter, despite the basic similarity o f viewpoint as each writer looks for “that blessed hope.” Pas­ tors and students o f prophecy will find the messages a rich source o f material. In the list o f contributors are: Harry Rimmer, Arno C. Gaebelein, William B. Riley, Charles G. Trumbull, James M. Gray,' Keith L. Brooks, L. Sale-Harrison, Donald Grey Barnhouse, Roy T. Brumbaugh, Ar­ thur I. Brown, William L. Pettingill, and T. Richard Dunham. 165 pages. Fundamen­ tal Truth Publishers, Findlay, Ohio. Price $ 1 . 00 . The Twenty-Third Psalm B y J o h n M c N eill In His Presence B y A n n a J. L indgren Unveiling the Future Twelve Prophetic Messages E dited by T. R ic h a r d D u n h a m

With the death of her beloved clergy­ man-father, Amorelle was plunged into a series of annoying circumstances. Well- meaning members of the Ladies’ Aid So­ ciety sought to find a suitor for her, and one after another, the hopeful gentlemen arrived. Escaping from these undesirable aspirants, she fell into the clutches o f a selfish aunt and cousin and even allowed herself to become engaged to a young man whom she did not love. Yet, as a result of her trust in God, the girl was kept sweet under the most trying circumstances and was helped to see that the Lord’s choice for her life was infinitely better than her highest hopes. Living characters walk through the pages of this remarkable book, which has added value because o f the prominence it gives to the Lord Jesus Christ and the W ord of God. The story will be read with delight, and its message, when heeded, may change the viewpoint of many a young person who is tempted to choose the world’s tinsel instead o f the Lord’s gold. 320 pages. J. B. Lippincott Co. Cloth. Price $2.00. The Christmas Bride B y G race L ivin g sto n H ill Suddenly made wealthy through the dis­ covery of oil on his property, Gregory Sterling, young, lonely, and homeless, planned to return to the city which he had left ten years before. As he traveled, he was greatly impressed by the ease with which a young clergyman led a dying pas­ senger to Christ, and with the necessity o f facing this great issue himself. Later, when Gregory saw a young woman slip from a park bench, having fainted from hunger, strange events began to occur. The contrast between this quiet, beautiful Christian girl whom he sought to befriend, and the bizarre Alice Blair, whom he once thought he loved, awakened the young man to a sense o f right values. The book has in it the element o f spiritual con­ flict known to many a young reader, and it points clearly to the means of triumph through Christ. 319 pages. J. B. Lippin­ cott Co.‘ Coth. Price $2.00. His Book B y N o r m a n B. H arrison To the well-known “His” series, Dr. Harrison has added this volume that is both unique and scholarly. Readers o f the K in g ’ s B u s in e s s will remember the series o f articles which Dr. Harrison gave to the magazine in 1931, and which, he entitled “ Structure in Scripture.” This title has be­ come the subhead o f the present volume, and the contents o f the book offer an am­ plified^ treatment of the same topics devel­ oped in the magazine series. To prove that a minutely accurate structural plan underlies all Scripture, Dr. Harrison has entered into a study o f such sections as Genesis, the church epistles, and the Rev­ elation. Illustrated with charts, the book will lead the thoughtful reader into hither­ to unexplored depths. 105 pages. Bible Institute Colportage Association. Cloth. Price 75 cents.

holds a unique place in the hearts of many thousands as the author from whom has come a vast amount of in­ spiration and happiness. Her simple but charming romances make delight­ ful reading. Three of her latest stories Beauty for Ashes A story that begins in bitter sadness but ends with the glowing happiness of young people who find in each other the warm glow of love. The Christmas Bride Almost over night Gregory Sterling’s wealth had come to him but not so quickly was he able to secure for him­ self all the love which was due him. Amorelle Mrs. H ill links the gayety o f youth and the beauty of romance with a chain of perfect love as she tells the story of A m o r e l l e an d Russ e ll Garrison - - - Each $2.00 In addition to her longer novels Mrs. H ill has written several short stories of unusual beauty and strength, each bound into a separate little book. Among them are: Her Wedding Garment The Lost Star Each $.25 • J. B. LIPPINCOTT CO. Washington Square - Phila., Pa.

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