April, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
TheBible Institute FAMILY CIRCLE
California, where they expect to stay until July. Henry D. Todd, ’23, o f Sacramento, California, and Preston Sowell, ’30, Hugh- son, California, were ordained to the min istry at a Bible conference held January 30 at the Grace Baptist Church, Modesto, California, where Murdock A. Morrison, ’33, is pastor. Among those who assisted with the conference program were True H. Maxfield, ’22, o f the Faith Home f o r . Children, Ceres, California; Adolph Kur- kowske, ’24, pastor o f the Grace Baptist Church of Chico, California; Carl Derfelt, ’26, evangelist; and Mrs. Ethel Low. Rudolf ( ’22) and Mrs. Schmidt ( ’23), Turpin, Oklahoma, under the General Con ference o f Mennonites of North America, ■ are serving a church in Turpin and one in Kismet, Kansas. Margaret W . E. Braun, T9, Los Angeles, California, is teaching in the public schools, and writes: “ Christ is more than sufficient for every need. He is my strength and song.” A. B. and Mrs. Shepherd (Helen Day, ’l l ) , Christian and Missionary Alliance, have been engaged in pastoral work for many years. At present they are living in Los Gatos, California. Married Vincent L. Crossett and Margaret R. Elliott, ’26, January 22, Nanking, Kiangsu, China. Herbert Farrar and Mabel Phipps, ’32, December 28, Selma, California. Bom To Daniel G. ( ’30) and Mrs. Berg (Esther Suderman, ’31), a son, Robert Paul, November 22, 1934, Jackson, Ken tucky. To Harry U. ( ’18) and Mrs. Berney, a son, Bruce Rochat, February 3, Walla Walla, Washington. T o Rolland B. ( ’27) and Mrs. Cochran, a daughter, Joy Marian, August 31, South Gate, California. To Abram A. ( ’22) and Mrs. Kroeker, a son, Abram Donald, January 6, Winkler, Manitoba, Canada. To E. S. and Mrs. Mansfield (Ruth Colquhoun, ’26), a son, Norman Carey, September 15, Tali, Yunnan, China. With the Lord Kenneth Robert Hoffman, who was born to Joseph ( ’25) and Mrs. Hoffman on January 9, went to be with the Lord on February 15. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman are living in Los Angeles. J. Frederick Saunders was called Home on January 7, after an illness’ at his home in Long Beach, California. Mrs. Saunders (Gladys Correll, ’24) is left with three small boys, the two younger being twin babies. Mr. Saunders was a deacon in the First Baptist Church in Long Beach. Within a few weeks after the return o f Chauncey B. ( ’21) and Mrs. Sheldon (Hat tie Louise Cope, ’22) from Africa, their little son David was taken to be with the Lord on January 6.
Harry P. Herdman, ’24, is at the contact desk at the Union Rescue Mission, 226 So. Main St., Los Angeles, Calif. Allan G., ’24, and Mrs. McIntosh (Mar jorie Phair) have returned on furlough from their work under the Unevangelized Africa Mission in the Belgian Congo, and have been living'at 125ji South Lucas St., Los Angeles, Calif. On their journey, the family stopped in Vancouver, B.C., to visit Mr. McIntosh’ people. A fine collection of photographs has proved of special interest to friends in America. Mr. and Mrs. Mc Intosh have three daughters, all born in the Congo. Carlton C. Buck, ’30, was ordained to the gospel ministry on November 20 at the Bell Christian Church, Bell, Calif. He spent five years-as musical director in the same church. Mr. and Mrs. Buck (Frieda H. Claassen, ’30) and their twin boy and girl are living in Arlington, Calif., where Mr. Buck is minister of the Arlington Christian Church. David M. Campbell, ’24 (China Inland Mission), is on furlough and has been as sisting in deputation work in Southern California. A t.a Student Missionary Un ion meeting, he told o f his work in a sta tion where for many months he was the only foreign worker. Chauncey B. ( ’21) and Mrs. Sheldon (Hattie Louise Cope, ’22), Brethren Board o f Foreign Missions, returned on furlough from Africa in December, and are now living at 2509 Fifth Street, La Verne,
Alumni News T heodore R. N ick el , ’21, Earlimart, California, has been a grammar school principal for the past seven years. He has enjoyed the work with the children and has found opportunities to serve the Lord in the communities where he has been working. Margery Friedrich, ’33, is happy in her work at the Moody Bible Institute of Chi cago, where she is enrolled in the medical missionary course. Norman Crider, ’34, and Charles Thomas, ’32, were ordained to the ministry at services held January 18 at the Redondo Congregational Church, Redondo, Califor nia. Mr. Crider is pastor of the Panama Congregational Church,' with a mail ad dress at Bakersfield, California. Henry E. and Mrs. Burke (Edna Vick- strom, ’20) called at the Institute en route to evangelistic meetings. Mrs. Burke is the pianist and does the children’s and young people’s work as they visit different parts of the country. Philip C. Hanson, ’22, pastor o f the Swedish Free Church of Oakland, Cali fornia, where he and Mrs. Hanson (Inge- borg Anderson, ’23) have served for sev eral years,' recently held a week of meet ings at the Bethany Methodist Church o f Los Angeles. Rolland B. Cochran, ’27, was a recent caller at the Institute. He is now pastor o f the Huntington Park Gospel Taber nacle (Christian and Missionary Alliance), having been ordained in November. Mr. and Mrs. Cochran are living in South Gate, Calif.
Gan You Doubt His Love?
Carlton C. Buck
C. C. B.
-w ------ r gi showers by the way? Can you doubt, can you doubt His love? I I |H -¿2. __ ------- f - — 9FT‘~z r
Copyright, 1934, by Carlton Ç. Buck
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