Louis T . T albot President
I believe it is Scrip tural and right that we should present to our friends the need of the Institute. W h e n we have made known to them the character of the work that is done here, we may pray that God will bless the ef fort that is put forth. I e n d o rs e the Biola Honor Roll w ith o u t hesitation. If, follow ing this plan, several th o u s a n d men and w om e n would each ' agree to give say one dollar a month, we would be a long way toward having all our fin a n c ia l difficulties solved.
A l t h o u g h they have Lx . never been in Cor inth actually, t he r e are “ Co r i n t h i an s ” in Los Angeles who have learned something o f the mean ing of the. injunction in Paul’s epistle. T o the church at Cor inth, y e a r s ago, Paul wrote: “ Upon the first day o f the week let each one o f you lay by him in store, as he may prosper, that no collections be
standing interdenomina tional training centers of the American continent. The Institute has grad uated more than 2,000 students in its day and e v e n i ng c l asses , and thousands o f others have studied in its Correspond ence Department. There is probably not k mission field in the world which has not been visited, or which is not being served today by one or more for mer students o f Biola. Some have paid the last full measure o f devotion by laying down their lives in the Master’s service. Surely there is need that such a work o f world wide influence should be continued.
O. H ow ard L u c y
. ' Business Manager The solution of the Institute’s financial problem is in regular donations. I believe that if all the Institute’s friends who now give occasionally would transfer their giving to a regu lar weekly or monthly basis, all the departments of the work of the Institute could be maintained efficiently, without undue burden on any one. By means of regular giving, the needs would be met without the necessity of frequent ap peals for funds. The Biola Honor Roll has been created to stimulate prayer and syste matic giving. Membership in the Biola Honor Roll is the most tangible evidence o f a vital connection with the Bible Institute of Los Angeles.
E lbert L. M c C reery Vice-President and Dean
In 1 Corinthians 16:2, we have set forth the Scriptural method o f giving. The Lord’s people are to give weekly, in order that their giving may • not be done weakly. Let ud pray very definitely that the Lord will raise up a great many who shall become regu lar givers— weekly givers in the right sense of the word. The Biola Honor Roll is de signed to be a help toward • that end.
made when I come” (1 Cor. 16:2, R .V .). And to a California group o f perhaps five hundred individuals—students, faculty, and employees o f the Bible Institute of Los An geles— the message o f the apostle has an ur gent, present-day significance. The attitude o f the Institute was made vis ual during a day o f prayer observed on Mon day, March 18, in which the whole Institute family o f students and workers joined. In that remarkable day o f spiritual refresh ing, two thoughts were emphasized: (1 ) The Lord recognizes His people’s need. (2 ) First- day-of-the-week giving pleases Him. For a commentary on the Lord’s faithful ness, one has only to recall the history o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles. Dependent in recent years upon the small gifts o f thou sands o f interested Christians connected with many evangelical churches, the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles has become one o f the out-
A d o p t i n g t h e S c r i p t u r a l M e t h o d o f S u p p o r t
What is now the Lord’s plan for the mainte nance of this interdenominational t r a i n i ng school ? Regular, first-day-of-the-week giving is the answer o f the Word o f God. The Bible In stitute of Los Angeles believes it is the only answer and the best answer.
(Below) Faculty and Student Body, Bible Institute of Los Angeles:
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