W illia m G . N y m a n Treasierer
I believe It is an honor to be associated, both prayer fully and financially, with the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. I have f o u n d from personal experience that systematic giving not only helps me to remem ber the Lord’s work by means ot my gifts, but it also stimulates me to in creased prayer fo r th e workers. When I give, I pray. And when I pray, I cannot help but give. Be cause the Biola Honor Roll is designed to encour age regular prayer and giving, I can most heart ily endorse the plan.*
Systematic giving is not only clearly taught in the Word of God, but such a method also appeals strongly to one ’ s common sense. No one can settle all his ob liga tions for a year, and then forget about them , any more than he can partake of sufficient food to sustain him for such a period. Systematic giving is to the soul what reg ular habits are to the body. A t the Bible Insti tute of Los Angeles, expenses are definite, continuous, and recur ring. No matter how large a class is grad
from its own efficiency. But the problem will be solved naturally and com pletely through the co operation o f thousands o f the Lord’s people, each giving small amounts—j with r e gu l a r i t y . Just 10.000 friends, each giv ing one dollar a month, or 20.000 giving a lesser amount, could free the Institute o f financial concern and scope o f its spiritual ministry.
T M rs . L y m a n S tew art Member of the Board of Directors
increase the
My late husband, Lyman Stew art, who, with Mr. T . C. H or ton, founded the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, invested in it over a million dollars. He left a trust fund o f considerable proportions and wished both the principal and interest to be used as rapidly as possible in carrying on the Lord’s work. This fund has been exhausted for some time. Mr. Stewart often remarked that he pur posely did not wish to endow the Institute with money, for he believed that its endowment should be its multitude of friends who would carry on the work. The Honor Roll is, I believe, a plan that will ac complish the very purpose that Mr. Stewart had in mind and I can heartily endorse itT
W alter E. E dm onds Member of the Board of Directors
T he B iola H onor R oll Members o f the Bible Institute family have responded with prayerful support. Friends at a distance have also pledged their assistance. Whoever enrolls as a member o f the Biola Honor Roll not only encourages Institute offi cials, and helps to meet the expense o f training young people for Christian work, but also brings joy to the heart o f the Lord through obedience to His Word. Could there be greater incentive for action ? Each person making a donation o f
I approve most heartily of the Biola Honor Roll, and I in tend to continue my member ship in it as evidence of my confidence in the Bible Insti tute of Los Angeles. I hope that the thousands of Institute friends scattered throughout the United States will coop erate in this plan for the sup port of a truly worthy insti tution.
uated in any one year, a similar group— or even larger—will apply the next term. The school’s spirit ual success is thus the direct reason for its expense, and unless this God honoring institution is supported in the prayers and by the gifts o f those Christians whose vision o f Christian
any amount to the work o f the Institute receives a beautiful certificate o f membership in the Biola Honor Roll. This cer tificate, the first attempt on the part o f Institute authorities to give adequate recognition o f the sacrificial giving o f its friends, is a badge o f distinction. In the Honor Roll plan, large donations are not requisite to membership, nor is there arty reason why this method conflict with the giving o f larger gifts. All that the The “ Corinthians” o f Los Angeles— the students and officials o f the Institute who are entering with gladness upon the plan o f regular prayer and giving for the Institute—are calling for the cooperation of Christian people everywhere. T o become a member o f the Biola Honor Roll, one agrees TO P R A Y for God’s blessing upon the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and TO GIVE— as regularly as possible— to its support. Will you not write today, signifying your desire to become a member o f the Biola Honor Roll ? A certificate o f membership will be mailed to you.
There are 364 students en rolled at the Bible Institute.
service includes such interdenomina- thaT they ca'n mert regffiady— send ffif^ tional work, it must inevitably suffer intervals during a definite period.
BIBLE INSTITUEE «/LOS ANGELES 558 South Hope Street -Los Angeles, California
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