King's Business - 1935-04


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

April, 1935

TheResurrected LordandSaviour is the hope of China's needy people. An illustrated book­ let tells about Chinese boys and girls rescued by the HOME OF ONESIPHORTJS, where they are given Chris­ tian training. These children were once helpless orphans, now they rejoice in their new found joy. Write today for FREE Illustrated booklet and list de­ scribing hand-work of these Christian Chinese. Address; HOME OF ONESIPHORUS American office, Drawer II, 3131 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, IIL . . . Dr. I. M. Haldeman’s . . . LAST SERMON preached on Easter morning, April 16, 1933. “ The Sevenfold Glory of the Risen Christ" This is a beautiful souvenir booklet. Cover illustrated in colors, silk corded and -wrapped in glassine wrapper. Splendid as an Easter Remembrance ONLY 35 cents Service And Supplies (or Christian Work Dr. I. M. Haldeman Pub. Hdqts. (Dept C. K.) 156 Fifth Avenue (at 20th St.) New York City UNION LESSON HELPS on theInternationalUniform Lessons stand for and proclaim the heart of the Gospel Union periodicals aim to present only construc­ tive truth. They refrain from controversial dis­ cussion of doctrinei which are not fundamental and on which evangelical Christians hold varying views. They arc thoroughly practical as well as Biblically sound. Write for free specimen copies American Sunday-School Union 1816 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. Dear old hymns we love. Christian songs that have lived. Unexcelled for Church, School,, and Young People. Male Quartettes, Orders of Worship, Responses, 362 Hymns and Songs. Every one uplifting and inspir­ ing. A book for all uses. Pull Cloth, $40 hundred. Strong; Manila, $30. Examination Copy sent on request. Please give name of Church or School. HALL-MACKCO., 21it » 4 Arch Stic«, Philadelphia, Pa. SS, EASTER COMMUNION SUPPLIES I ndividual C ommunion S ervice Send for Folder end SPECIAL OFFER at low prices. Tray and 36 glasses $6.50 np. Extra Glasses $1.00 dozen. Collection and Bread Places. Pastor's Side Outfits, etc. TH0MASCQMMUNI0N SERVICE CO., Box M l Urna, Ohio Phone: VAndike 9483 ER I CK P E T E R S O N FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING 730 W . Sixth St. Los Angeles, Calif. •Avoid Embarrassment of FALSE T E E T H Dropping or Slipping Don’t be embarrassed again by having your false teeth slip or drop when you eat, talk, laugh or sneeze. Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH on your plates. This new,, extremely fine powder gives a wonderful sense o f comfort and security. No gummy,, gooey taste or feeling. Get FASTEETH today at any drug store. Small, medium» and large sizes... The Glory of the Gospel and its attracting; power in every selection.

Approach: Last week we talked about coming to God’s house. W e said that God has asked His people to gather together to worship Him. If we want to belong to God and to h a v e K ¿ V » Him as our heav- f J P ■ enly Father, t h e r e

fallible Teacher, each in its proper order. 1. W e are told to "Go . . . and make disciples." This command is put first be­ cause it belongs first. T o make a disciple for our Lord is to lead some soul to Him for salvation, for a disciple is a “ Chris­ tian” (Acts 11:26). Until men become saved, it is a waste o f time trying to get them to do the will o f God. The carnal mind is not subject to His will, and it can­ not be made so (Rom. 8 :7 ). There must be a new birth and a new creation. Those who argue that the command to “make dis­ ciples” is not for the church o f the present age should read Acts 14:21 in the Ameri­ can Revision. Paul and Barnabas went to Derbe, preached the gospel, and “made many disciples." It is the same Greek word as in Matthew 28:19. The Apostle Paul is a safe guide to follow in this matter of in­ terpretation. 2. When we have preached the gospel and made some “disciples,” then we are ready for the next thing in order: “ bap­ tising them into the name of the Father and of the Son and o f the Holy Spirit” (R .V .). In this divinely ordained rite we recognize the saving work of the three Persons of the Godhead. Baptism does not save nor help to save. It points back to a saving work that is done. W e are to baptize “disciples,” not unsaved people. 3. When we have made disciples and have baptized them, then we are ready for the third duty: "teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” After men are saved and brought into the church by the new birth, they must be taught what to do and how to live. Infants are often very helpless at first, and they need the “milk o f the word.” They need “instruction in righteousness.” Bible teaching should follow evangelism. Golden Text Illustration That baptism must not be separated from a thorough presentation o f the gospel mes­ sage is shown by the inspiring yet sad story o f the devotion of the great Catholic missionary, Francis Xavier. Great natural gifts, wealth, a career, and personal com­ fort were freely yielded to Christ as Xavier sought to plant the cross in Ori­ ental lands. Yet, as Dr. A. T. Pierson has pointed out, the tragedy of this heroic service lay in the limitations of the mes­ sage borne: “To the doctrine o f free grace, uncon­ sciously imbibed in boyhood, he owed his genuine experience o f faith in Christ, his strong hold upon Him, and the inspira­ tion o f an unselfish purpose. To his papal and Jesuit training we trace that admix­ ture of confidence in outward rites and good works which alloyed and vitiated his otherwise superb service. To sprinkle holy water in baptism, to recite the creed and a few prayers, limited his methods and measured his success. His preaching prac­ tically knew nothing o f the purging away o f sin by intelligent faith in the atoning blood. He said, ‘feci christianos’ —‘I make Christians’ ; and it is not strange if the disciples he made often shocked their ‘maker’ by glaring vices and flagrant sins. “ He mastered no Oriental language, and was often without an Interpreter . . . His was the gospel o f sacraments and ceremo­ nies, preached in mute action, but with what lofty enthusiasm!”— S elected . When People Are Baptized M a t t h e w 3 :13-17; 28:19, 20; R o m a n s 6 :4 ; A cts 8:26-39 Memory Verse: “ I f ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15).

are certain o t h e r things which God says we should do. L e s s o n S t o r y : When John c a m e preaching t o th e people to prepare their hearts to re­ ceive t h e L o r d Jesus, who was soon

coming to the world to die for their sins$j John told the people to repent and to be baptized. Their being baptized with wa­ ter didn’t really wash away their sins, but it was a sign which showed that they be­ lieved that Jesus was going to do that for them. Ever since the days o f John the Baptist, people who have become Christians have shown, by being baptized, that they believed that the Lord Jesus has washed away their sins. You remember the stbry o f Philip and the eunuch. The eunuch was reading in the Bible at the place where it says, “He [meaning the Lord Jesus] was led as a sheep to the slaughter." The eunuch didn’t understand what this meant, but Philip was able to explain that it was Jesus who died for us. The eunuch believed and wished to be baptized to show that he be­ lieved. Philip said: “ If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest.” Apd the eunuch answered: “I .believe that Jesus Christ is the Son o f God.” That was enough, and Philip baptized him. So this is one o f the things which God has told us to do if we believe that Jesus Christ is the Son o f God, and that He came to die for us.

Objects: A quart fruit jar filled with water. Lesson: I brought a dumb preacher with me this morning. Some people are dumb, that it, mute, and cannot talk because of some sickness. Others have never been able to speak. As a rule, people who can­ not talk with their mouths can make them­ selves understood by making signs with their hands. The preacher I brought with me has no hands with which to make signs. He has a mouth, but has neyer spoken a word, and yet he preaches one of the most wonderful sermons in all the world. Here he is—Mr. Fruit Jar. Notice, he has a mouth, but no hands, and yet he is preaching a sermon. You are wondering how it is that this jar cpn preach any ser­ mon at all, but you have not noticed that it is filled with pure water. Before Jesus returned to heaven, He told His disciples that they should go into all the world and preach the gospel, bap­ tizing the people that believed. Baptism

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