King's Business - 1935-04

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

April, 1935


which showed that God had accepted His sacrifice. This is not pll that this wonderful preacher would tell us this morning. Bap­ tism teaches us that Christians are dead with Christ—that the old sinful life is a thing of the past—and that they are raised from the dead with Christ, to walk in newness of life. Let us never forget these wonderful truths about baptism which Mr. Fruit Jar has told us. C orinthians 11:23-29 brought over into the Christian economy. The passover was for the nation, a remem­ brance o f the escape of the Hebrews from Egypt. The Lord’s Supper is for individual Christians, a remembrance o f the Lord’s Person and His death. In thus instituting the Supper, our Lord instituted the “new covenant” in His blood. The old covenant was conditional ; but the new covenant rests, not upon what the people do, but upon what the Lord Himself has done, is doing, and will yet do. The ceremony has been robbed o f much o f its severe simplicity and intrinsic beauty by the desire for something spectacular. Many attempts have been made to intro­ duce various innovations in the observance of the Supper, and even to eliminate it entirely from thé ordinances o f the church. The ceremony was o f the simplest sort, the elements being only the bread and wine which composed the daily fare o f the people. The bread symbolized the Lord’s body, and the wine represented His blood. The Lord knew that the church would be poor and persecuted, with no opportunity or desire to engage in imposing ceremonies. The Lord knew also that the church would spread throughout all the world, and that the means of remembering Him must be suited to all times and peoples. But simple though the Supper is in its observance, it is profound in its meaning to the soul that is in fellowship with the Lord. The admission to the Table rests upon the fact of the Lord’s invitation ; and that in turn depends upon what He has done. The enjoyment at the Table issues from the Lord’s assurance; and that likewise rests upon what He is now doing. And the expectation at the Table is linked with the Lord’s promise; and that points for­ ward to what He will yet do. Each Com­ munion service-is, therefore, a time of remembrance of Christ’s death in the past, o f reliance- upon His priesthood in the present, and of expectation o f His coming in the future (cf. 1 Cor. 11:23-26). The Lord knew of the coming denials, the for­ saking of Himself, the forgetfulness, and, alas, the sinfulness o f the saints; yet He invited them—rather, He commanded them —to meet with Him at His Table. A per­ fect man, or a sinless angel, or an innocent being, has no place at the Table; that place is reserved for “ sinners whose love can BLACKBOARD LESSON

has been preaching a silent sermon for nearly two thousand years. Now let us ask ourselves the question, “What is this silent preacher—Baptism— trying to teach us?” First of all, it speaks to us o f the death, burial, and resurrec­ tion of the Lord Jesus Christ. The people o f the world need to know of the death of Christ for their sins. And they need to know of His resurrection from the dead, Lesson T ext: Matt. 26:17-30. Golden T ext: “This do in remembrance of m e S (l Cor. 11:24). Outline and Exposition I. T he P reparation for the S upper (17-19). T he passover was the most ancient and sacred ceremony- o f Judaism. Com­ memorating the exodus from Egypt, it was observed by all Jews. In the time o f our Lord, as the days drew near for the celebration o f the passover, the dis­ ciples o f Christ, being Jews, would natural­ ly think of keeping the feast. Hence they reminded Jesus o f the occasion and asked where they should make ready for it (v. 17). Jesus, Himself a Jew and one who care­ fully observed all the rites of Jewry, told His disciples just where this particular passover should be kept (v. 18). It may very well be that the owner of the house selected was himself a disciple. The Lord’s command was immediately obeyed, and the disciples made ready the last passover be­ fore the new ceremony, the Lord’s Supper, was instituted (v. 19). I I ,: T he R evelation at the S upper (20-25), The announcement that one o f the dis­ ciples should betray the Lord fell upon the ears of the twelve as a tremendous shock (vs. 20-22). These twelve men had left everything in order to follow the Lord, and how at the last to be told that one of their number would betray Him filled them with dismay. It speaks volumes for their humility and self-distrust that each should ask: “ Lord, is it I? ” The betrayal of Jesus was no surprise to Him, any more than was the agony in the garden or the cruci­ fixion; all the events connected with His sacrifice had ever been before Him. Then the Lord revealed who it was that should betray Him, and immediately He added the pronouncement o f woe upon that one (vs. 23, 24). Whether this in­ dication o f who the betrayer should be was made known to the other disciples may be a question that we are unable to answer. But certainly the betrayer himself was aware of who it was of whom Jesus spoke, and even then that one had opportunity to turn from his satanic purpose and cast himself upon the mercy and grace o f the Lord. But the deadening quality o f sin is seen in the question of Judas; he could glibly ask, “Master, is it I? ” and in the very utterance o f the words he was playing the hypocrite in order to retain the good opinion o f the eleven. There is danger that all of us may act hypocritically, as Judas.did, when we are out o f fellowship with the L o r i III. T he I nstitution of the S upper (26-30).. The Lord’s Supper is not the passover

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M atthew 26:17-30; 1

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