King's Business - 1935-04

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


April, 1935

Lesson Story: On the night that Jesus had His last meal with His disciples before He was to leave them and go to the cross, He wanted to show His disciples just what was to happen to Him. He took bread and broke it and gave it to them to eat, and said: “Take, eat; this is my body.” Then He took a cup with grape juice in it and handed it to them and said: “Drink ye all of it; for this is my blood . . . which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” And God’s Word says: “For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord’s death till he come.” This, then, is the third thing which we will want to do if we are God’s children. Do you remember the story o f the young man who ran away from his father’s home ? He took his money and ran away and lived wickedly. While he was living wickedly, he never once came home, did he? He never saw his father, and he never ate a meal with his father. When we are living sinful lives, we are like that young man. W e keep away from-God’s house; we for.- get to talk to our heavenly Father; and we never eat with Him. But God is there, just as that father was, waiting to for­ give those who are willing to come back and are sorry for their sins. Golden Text Illustration Robert Stephen, a veteran missionary in China, reports that in the British Legation, Peking, a piece o f wall which withstood the attack o f the Boxer rioters is left in its war-worn condition, and bears a tablet, “ Lest we forget.” So in every place where saints gather to remember the Lord, the emblems re-echo the words to the hearts of His own.: “Lest we forget.”— 1,000 Acts and Facts, b y P ick er in g .

ne’er forget the wormwood and the gall.” The purpose o f the Supper is that the Lord Himself may be remembered. When they come to the Table, the saints think not of themselves, but o f Him. The Lord’s invitation is : “ This do in remembrance of me.” “For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord’s death till he come.” The saints come to the Table, not as sinners seeking forgive­ ness, but as forgiven saints to find fellow­ ship and communion with the One who loved us and gave Himself for us. Points and Problems This lesson raises the much-discussed question of whether our Lord ate the Jew­ ish passover the evening before His death. It is not an easy question, but for several reasons I do not believe that the meal which He ate was the passover. 1. In Luke 22:15, 16, R.V., our Lord plainly says: “With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suf­ fer: for I say unto you, I shall not eat i t . . . ” 2. The next morning, when Christ was brought before Pilate, the Jewish pa?s- over was still in the future. The Jewish leaders would not enter the judgment hall lest they become defiled and thus be un­ able to eat. the passover (John 18:28). 3. John very plainly states that our Lord died on the "preparation" day which preceded the passover (19:31) . Mark says the same (15:42). 4. It was against the Law o f God to eat the passover at the wrong time, and the penalty for the offender was to be “cut off from among his people” (Num. 9:11-13). This would have given His enemies exact­ ly the accusation they were seeking. 5. The Jewish passover was to be eaten with shoes on and standing (Ex. 12:11). Our Lord and His disciples ate the Last Supper reclining at the table (cf. Mk. 14: 18 in the Greek). 6. At the Jewish passover, none were to go out o f the house until the morning (Ex. 12:22). But Christ and His disciples left the house that same night (Mk. 14: 26). 7. When Judas left the table at the Last Supper, the disciples supposed that he was going to buy the things needed “against the feast,” which was evidently still ahead (John 13:29). 8. The Old Testament type demanded that our Lord should die at the exact time when the passover lambs were being killed, which was mid-afternoon on the day of preparation. This He did (Matt. 27:45-50). The Supper Jesus Gave His Friends M a t t h e w 26: 17-30; 1 C o r in t h ia n s 11:23-29 Memory Verse: “This, do in remem­ brance of me” (1 Cor. 11:24). Approach: There is still another thing which God has given His people to do. W e have said that if we are His people,

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A L ittle P reach er w it h a B ig S erm on Objects: A pint fruit jar, with a small piece o f bread and a small hottle of grape juice in it. Lesson: Last Sunday I told you about Mr. Fruit Jar, the preacher who couldn’t speak. This Sunday I want to tell you about his boy, Mr. Fruit Jar, Jr. Here he is. He has a mouth, but, like his father, he has never spoken a word. He looks just like his [Continued on page 151]

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we w i l l wan t to come often to His ho us e to worship Him. If we want to belong to Him, we will be baptized to show that we believe that He sent' His Son to die for our sins. The third thing is something to do to help us remem­ ber just that — the

fact that the Lord Jesus died for us. ^ V i s \ 0 1

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