April, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
NOTES on Christian Endeavor B y M a r y G. G o o d e r
ers in the far North tell us that the great est peril with which arctic explorers have to contend is the despondency that op presses them in the absence of light. One needs but to pick up the most finished lit erature of unbelief, past or present, to see1 that without Christ, life is but a sunless world. Thq followers o f Christ are not fulfilling their high calling unless they are shedding abroad in the spiritual world such knowledge, good cheer, and beauty as light bestows. He used of them the same words He uses of Himself, “the light of the world.” If the light that is in Christ’s followers be darkness, may God pity the world deprived of assurance, joy, and grace 1—S elected . HAPPY HOME (Mother’s Day) L uke 10:38-42 Suggestions for the Meeting Hymn—“ Day Is Dying in the West.” Hymn—“My Mother’s Hand Is on My Brow.” Prayer. Hymn—“When I Was but a Little Child.” Scripture—Luke 10:38-42. Duet—“ There’s No Friend like Jesus.” Leader’s Message. Testimonies. Hymn—“ Softly Now the Light o f Day.” Benediction—Jude 2. Meditation on the Lesson One of the tenderest portraits of our Lord Jesus Christ is the one which depicts His connection with the hospitable Beth any home. He seemed to delight to visit there, and evidently it was a haven o f rest to Him. On the occasion of this visit, how ever, the quiet tranquillity o f the atmos phere was marred by querulous complaint. Jesus’ kindly rebuke not only showed Martha where she was at fault, but also reveals to us the secret o f a happy home— taking time to sit at Jesus’ feet and learn of Him. Whenever Mary o f Bethany is mentioned in the Scriptures, she is always at the feet of the Lord. This is the only place where we may receive instruction and inspiration for life service. Christ graciously invites us: “ Learn o f me.” Mary had not shirked her responsibility- in preparing for the Guest. Martha’s com plaint was: “ Lord, dost thou not care that my sister did leave me to serve alone?” (v. 40, R .V .). Mary had joyfully worked until He came, and she "also” (v. 39) sat at His feet. What a lesson for us all to day I Many times housekeepers wear them selves out in trying to outshine their neighbors, or, at best, in trying to do too much,' thinking they are honoring the Lord. After all, it was love for Him which led to all o f Martha’s service. How ever, she was ¡putting too much stress on the physical realm and not enough on the MAY 12, 1935 THE ART OF MAKING A
Leader’s Helps I. C h r is t ia n W ork I. What It Is to Work for Christ. 1. Teaching (Matt. 28:19). 2. Preaching (Mk. 16:15). 3. Living (John 14:15). 4. Representing (2 Cor. 5:20). II. What It Is to Work with Christ. 1. Laborers together with God (1 Cor. 3:9 ). 2. Christ’s presence p r o m i s e d (Matt. 28:19, 20 ; John 14:23). 1. His saved ones (Eph. 2:8-10). ■2. His followers (John 14:12). 3. His servants (Lk. 17:10). 4. His friends (John 15:15). 5. His brethren (Matt. .12:48-50). 1. Love, the motive (2 Cor. 5:14). 2. Love, the test (1 John 4:8). 3. Prayer (Acts 4:31). 4. The Word, the instrument (Heb. 4:12). - 5. The armor for protection (Eph. 6:11-17). — S elected . m Q u e stio n s for D iscu ssio n 1. Is money-making a subordinate aim? 2. Is my work contributing something worth while to society ? 3. Is my work free from practices that injure health or the souls o f those en gaged in it? 4. What is a Christian job? 5. Can one be a Christian in any work? —International Christian Endeavor Topic Year Book. III. E ffect of L ig h t Life takes on a new aspect when the sun returns from, his winter exile. Travel III. The Workers Described. IV. Necessary Qualifications.
MAY 5, 1935 HOW CAN I SERVE CHRIST IN MY VOCATION? M atthew 5 :13-16 Suggestions for the Meeting Hymn— “Work, for the Night is Com ing.” Hymn—“To the Work.” Prayer. Hymn— “Would Men Know That You Love Jesus?” Scripture—Matthew 5 :13-16. Quartet—“ Let the Lower Lights Be Burning.” Testimonies. Leader’s Message. Hymn—“ Living for Jesus.” Benediction—Hebrews 13:20, 21. Meditation on the Lesson Let us consider for a moment what are the functions of salt and light, and let us seek the spiritual application o f our Lord’s comparison. Salt preserves from corrup tion. Salt cannot cure corruption. It can only if ay its power. Salt must be used in time, if it is to prevent the spread o f decay. On the positive side, salt adds flavor and makes food more palatable. What need there is for the Christian to be a ‘‘salt” Christian! As the believer comes in contact with the world, the power o f God in his life will serve as a check up on the spread of evil. In his association with fellow Christians, his “salt” influence helps to keep them from backsliding or compromising. Further, the Apostle Paul tells us in Colossians 4 :6 : “Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.” Conversation which is truly Christian will improve and make more pal atable our fellowship with other believers. In all of these relationships, it is essential that we be wholly dependent upon the Lord, lest the “salt” lose its “savour.” But the Lord has likewise compared be lievers to light. Light dispels darkness; light shows the way; light brings cheer and fresh courage; light is life-giving. Christ Jesus said: “I am the light of the world.” A n d yet He Himself says here: “Ye are the light o f the world.” How can it be?.,Only as we yield ourselves to Him and let Him control our lives, do we become light- bearers, as the light of His own blessed life shines out through us. In Ephesians 5 :8, we are told to “walk in the light.” And as the "walk” o f the Christian includes all of life’s activities, we will thus be obeying the Lord’s com mand: '“ Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which 'is in heaven.” W e are to note particularly that the glory will all be His. W e are to shine only and always for Him, for it is His light which is to shine forth.
According to My Need By HELEN M ILLER L E H M A N Because He is my Shepherd, I shall never lack Necessities of life. But when des pairs attack, And through the darkness, it is hard to see the Light, I rest secure within the confidence that night Foreruns the day, and since He is the fountainhead O f my supply, a feast of love and grace is spread For me alway, according as I need. Shall I Then fret for what the day may bring, or cry In agony of soul against my fate? I, rather, keep my self in quietude, and wait Upon an all-sufficient God who knows M y needs, while from His hand my bounty flows.
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